Print Directly onto Donuts and Large Confections with New Eddie Platform Kit
Using the included carousel, Eddie prints a dozen 89 mm cookies or other similar-sized items in just two minutes and therefore making the process of printing onto cookies, candy, white chocolate, biscuits, macarons fast and easy. The carousel rotates the cookies to the print position, then the printer pulls in cookies or sweets one at a time, prints and sends them back to the carousel – all automatically and hands-free. To print on taller confections such as donuts, the carousel needs to be removed and instead the Platform Kit is installed. Each food item is then manually fed onto the platform.
Printed cookies or other sweet treats will be dry and ready for sale after printing. Printed images are bright and vibrant. For these reasons and more, Eddie is a professional, edible ink printer that provides bakers and chefs alike with a fast and efficient way to enhance food.
Food Height and Width Specifications
Using the included carousel, Eddie holds up to twelve items from 63.5 mm to 110 mm in diameter with a maximum thickness of 19 mm.
To print on taller, special shaped confections or multiple items in one run Eddie’s manual feeding option combined with DTM Trays extends the width to 120 mm and allows thicker items with a maximum height of 27 mm. A wide selection of acrylic food trays including custom-shaped trays are designed especially for Eddie by DTM Print.
And now the third option is to use the Eddie Platform Kit for items up to 50.8 mm high and up to 114 mm wide. Once installed the kit replaces the standard platform.
Food Industry Certifications
Due to direct printing, there is no strange film or aftertaste, which would decrease the quality of the food. The edible ink meets all EU and FDA standards for use as a food additive, while the ink cartridge itself meets cGMP standards and the entire manufacturing and cartridge filling processes are FDA-compliant and cGMP certified. In addition, the edible ink is Kosher and Halal certified and suitable for vegans.
Eddie turns sweet treats into highlights and opens up new profits by offering branded and bespoke products. The printer was designed for professional and semi-professional users and keen hobbyists, who want to take their creativity to the next level. It helps to increase production and profit margins and offers greater customisation and personalisation options.
The Eddie Platform Kit sells for € 89.95 (MSRP) and is available now from DTM Print or through authorised DTM Print partners in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Product details and videos are available at dtm-print.eu. Follow DTM print on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/… and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/….
DTM Print, a member of the DTM Group, is an international OEM and solution provider based in Germany. Established in 1986, the company is a pioneer in specialty printing and has experience in developing individual printing services for over three decades. DTM Print represented the US company Primera Technology, Inc. under the name Primera Europe GmbH in EMEA for many years. Beside its own products, the company works closely with well-known manufacturers to provide the best possible printing solution. DTM Print sells these products and services through authorised resellers and distributors in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Notes to Editors: All trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
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65187 Wiesbaden
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