Cooperation Lounge Africa Bavaria (Konferenz | Online)
Addressing the climate crisis requires collective global action. Therefore, the event will gather mainly African and Bavarian, but also international stakeholders from academia, industry, the civil society and the public sector who wish to cooperate on solutions for tackling the global climate crisis – with a specific focus on international research and innovation projects. The agenda covers the climate change-related topics mentioned above and offers an excellent opportunity to establish contacts and initiate projects via a platform for 1:1 virtual meetings between the participants. This platform will remain open until the end of 2022.
During the Cooperation Lounge, you will have the opportunity to:
- hear about the latest key scientific initiatives in relevant fields for global climate action (see above);
- attend informative and interactive thematic breakout sessions;
- find new international partners for future cooperation, especially in research & innovation for global climate action;
- extend your network by organising 1:1 meetings with international scientists and industry experts;
- enhance the visibility of your institution towards Bavarian, African and international stakeholders in research & innovation;
- learn about European funding opportunities for R&I projects in cooperation with African stakeholders, as well as about their national and regional implementation.
Please register for the online event at: https://cooperation-lounge-bavaria-africa.b2match.io/signup
Eventdatum: 23.11.22 – 24.11.22
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
BioCampus Straubing GmbH
Europaring 4
94315 Straubing
Telefon: +49 (9421) 785-150
Telefax: +49 (9421) 785-155
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