
Elmos presents semiconductor solutions for a sustainable automotive future at electronica 2022

Elmos is presenting innovative IC solutions at electronica 2022 in hall C3, exhibition stand 459 from November 15 to 18. As the global market leader in ultrasonic distance measurement, Elmos is presenting products in the environment recognition field, for example, for parking assistance systems and autonomous driving. Concepts for smart switches bring the next generation of gesture control to life. Furthermore, high-performance ICs for controlling LED ambient lighting and dynamic LED rear lights in automotive applications will be demonstrated. IC solutions for highly integrated, programmable control of BLDC, stepper, and DC motors for thermal management, especially in electrified vehicles, complete the Elmos product portfolio.

Ultrasonic distance measurement: Modern parking assistance systems require precise and reliable detection of the immediate environment around the vehicle, regardless of light and weather conditions. Ultrasonic sensor ICs are therefore a central component in sensor fusion for driving safety assistance systems (ADAS) as well as for autonomous driving in cities. As the world’s leading manufacturer of ultrasonic sensor ICs, Elmos demonstrates the advantages and functionality of ultrasonic detection at the trade show with physical demonstrators.

Gesture recognition: As a pioneer in gesture recognition in the vehicle, Elmos HALIOS® ICs enable the optical detection of hand movements by means of infrared technology, e.g. for displays. Novel operating concepts with hidden buttons that only become visible when approached by the hand, known as smart switches, are easy to integrate with Elmos technology. They can be interactively tested with a demonstrator.

Dynamic rear lights: Multiple options for design and safety can be realized with Elmos LED controller solutions for rear light applications in vehicles. A demo of the stand-alone LED driver with integrated animation function presents cost-efficient design options for a flowing dynamic rear light animation.

Ambient lighting: Automotive interior lighting with freely definable colors arouses emotions and improves the comfort and well-being of the passengers. Elmos LED controllers support energy-efficient and homogeneous lighting. Aside from indirect lighting in the footwell or with light strips, animated surface lighting – for example, on the dashboard and on the inside of the door – is the next step for future lighting concepts. This is being demonstrated at the trade fair using a honeycomb model.

Motor control: Thermal management is a very important topic in the context of vehicle electrification for efficiency increase and consumption optimization. Enabled by highly integrated Elmos motor controller ICs, applications such as valves, pumps, fans, and air conditioning flaps help maintain the optimum temperature of the engine compartment, vehicle cabin, and battery. An HVAC demonstrator with low-noise fan and active air flap control will be presented.

Electronic fuse – eFuse: Electric driver assistance systems and autonomous driving require high availability of the energy supply. The new eFuse product family of Elmos makes it possible to set up a stable power supply individually to the customer’s requirements. Simple parameterization, very short response times, minimum power dissipation and maximum flexibility enable the customer to realize individual or standardized fuse protection with a short development time, at optimized costs.

Über Elmos Semiconductor SE

Elmos develops, produces and markets semiconductors, primarily for use in the automotive industry. Our components communicate, measure, regulate and control safety, comfort, powertrain and network functions. For over 30 years, Elmos innovations have been bringing new functions to life and making mobility worldwide safer, more comfortable and more energy efficient. With our solutions we are already the worldwide #1 in applications with great future potential, such as ultrasonic distance measurement, ambient light and intuitive HMI.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Elmos Semiconductor SE
Werkstättenstraße 18
51379 Leverkusen
Telefon: +49 (0) 2171 / 40 183-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 2171 / 40 183-99

Ralf Hoppe
Leiter Investor Relations & Public Relations
Telefon: +49 (231) 7549‐7000
E-Mail: invest@elmos.com
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