faCellitate appoints Christoph Petry, Ph.D. to become Managing Director and CEO
faCellitate GmbH has appointed Dr. Christoph Petry, as Managing Director and CEO. Dr. Petry spun-out Sividon Diagnostics from Siemens Healthcare in 2010. Serving as Sividon’s CEO he oversaw the development of EndoPredict, a new standard to target breast cancer therapy and later successfully sold the company to Myriad Genetics. As a Managing Director he then joined m2p-labs, a company focusing on microbioreactor technology. After having restructured the company, he managed m2p-labs’ sale to Danaher corporation and headed the former-m2p-labs’ Engineering and Operations Departments throughout the company’s integration with Danaher. In October 2022 Dr. Petry accepted the assignment to become faCellitate’s new CEO. He will manage the company jointly with Dr. Simon Widmaier, founder and COO of faCellitate. “We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Petry on board.”, says Dr. Klaus Schollmeier, Chairman of faCellitate’s Board. “He is contributing almost three decades of experience in the life science industry into our company – including a remarkable track record of two successful company exits in the venture capital area.” “faCellitate’s technology is well developed”, Dr. Christoph Petry is convinced: “The BIOFLOAT™ product line has demonstrated an impressive growth powered by excellent performance. It will serve as the basis for additional high-value products already under development that will help to propel faCellitate’s future growth.”
Über die faCellitate GmbH
faCellitate GmbH, is developing and marketing interactive surface coatings for advanced cell technologies and regenerative medicine. faCellitate’s product offering currently encompasses three products that are a part of its BIOFLOAT™ product line: the BIOFLOAT™ 96-well plate, the BIOFLOAT™ 384-well plate and the BIOFLOAT™ FLEX coating solution for custom coating of cell culture lab ware. All BIOFLOAT™ products are based on a high-performance inert coating creating optimal conditions for the 3D culture of multicellular spheroids and organoids.
For further information, please visit https://facellitate.com
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
faCellitate GmbH
Franz-Volhard-Str. 5.
68167 Mannheim
Telefon: 0621 877 5353 0
Barbara Koncseg
Executive Assistant
Telefon: 0621 877 5353 0
E-Mail: barbara.koncseg@facellitate.com
Executive Assistant
Telefon: 0621 877 5353 0
E-Mail: barbara.koncseg@facellitate.com
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