Receipt of critical metals grant from the NSW Government
The project involves four modules:
- Innovative Processing Techniques: This includes mineral processing testwork on a bulk sample of Taronga tin mineralisation collected earlier this year. This will be conducted at ALS in Perth and Burnie and will be overseen by consultants Mincore and DFM.
- Mineral Processing Plant Design and Costing: This will build on Module 1 and will result in design and costing of the mineral processing facility based on the flowsheet developed for Taronga in Module 1. Work will be undertaken by consultants Mincore and DFM.
- Low-Cost Green Power Options: This will examine ways to reduce power costs by using low carbon alternatives. In particular, details of establishing a solar farm on the Company’s large landholdings in the district will be designed and costed.
- On Site Smelting Option: This will include a detailed study into the viability of building a smelting facility as part of the project. If successful, this could result in an end product of either tin ingots or solder bars being produced in NSW rather than simply exporting a tin concentrate for treatment offshore.
These modules will collectively advance the Taronga tin project toward completion of a definitive feasibility study.
First Tin CEO Thomas Buenger said, “We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded this significant grant by the NSW Government. It further demonstrates the support and commitment we have from the Government and will help fund the ongoing feasibility studies on this important tin deposit.”
First Tin
Via SEC Newgate below
Thomas Buenger – Chief Executive Officer
Arlington Group Asset Management Limited (Financial Advisor and Joint Broker)
Simon Catt
020 7389 5016
WH Ireland Limited (Joint Broker)
Harry Ansell
020 7220 1670
SEC Newgate (Financial Communications)
Elisabeth Cowell / Axaule Shukanayeva /
Molly Gretton
07900 248 213
Notes to Editors
First Tin is an ethical, reliable, and sustainable tin production company led by a team of renowned tin specialists. The Company is focused on becoming a tin supplier in conflict-free, low political risk jurisdictions through the rapid development of high value, low capex tin assets in Germany and Australia.
Tin is a critical metal, vital in any plan to decarbonise and electrify the world, yet Europe has very little supply. Rising demand, together with shortages, is expected to lead tin to experience sustained deficit markets for the foreseeable future. Its assets have been de-risked significantly, with extensive work undertaken to date.
First Tin’s goal is to use best-in-class environmental standards to bring two tin mines into production in three years, providing provenance of supply to support the current global clean energy and technological revolutions.
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