SigmaPlot® 15
SigmaPlot® is an easy-to-use scientific graphing & statistical data analysis software package for researchers, scientists and engineers who need to create precise, publication-quality graphs that best communicates their research results for presentations, technical publications, and the web. Along with advanced curve fitting, a vector-based programming language, macro capability and over 50 frequently used statistical tests, SigmaPlot also provides more than 100 different 2D & 3D graph types from which one can choose a full range of graphing options such as technical axis scales, multiple axes, multiple intersecting 3-D graphs and much more. SigmaPlot now has SigmaStat included with it which is a perfect tool to visualize and understand basic and advanced statistics.
SigmaPlot offers:
- Complete Advisory Statistical Analysis
- Award-Winning Technical Graphing Capability
- Powerful and Easy-to-use Data Analysis
- Ability to Customize every Element of Graph
- Precise Publication-Quality Graphs
- Ability to Publish your Work Anywhere
Latest updates:
- Includes a New Heat Map Macro
- Removes all dependencies on old redistributable by removing Lead Tools and uses Windows Graphics Device Interface + (GDI+) for graph export
- Uses the latest Sentinel License Manager which is compatible with the latest Microsoft Server 2022
- Uses a hosted licensing service for smooth license activation and validation
- Has a new and refreshed ribbon manager that enhances the already commendable user experience in SigmaPlot
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Grafiti GmbH
Königsallee 92 a
40212 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 (211) 5403-9646
Blanka Schwarz
Sales Representative
Telefon: +49 (211) 5403-9646
Sales Representative
Telefon: +49 (211) 5403-9646
Weiterführende Links
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