Watch out! Banks expand metal trading
Price volatility has increased since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Fed’s interest rate hikes. Morgan Stanley and Bank of America have increased the number of employees in their metals departments. About ten years ago, Deutsche Bank had turned its back on this business, but now considerations are underway to re-enter the metals business. Just a few days ago, strategist Michael Wilson of Morgan Stanley announced that the Fed’s interest rate hikes will soon end. The point at which the Fed reduces its tightening plans is also known as the "Fed pivot." Currently, the Fed has indeed set another rate hike on the way, but a slower pace has been promised.
The behavior of the banks mentioned could be an indication that the outlook for metals will change positively in the foreseeable future, probably especially for industrial metals. The global industrial economy is likely to be important for the metal markets in the near future. In the case of copper, strong investment in the energy transition is expected to boost demand. In the short term, recession fears or a weakening of the industrial economy could still provide a headwind. If there are supply disruptions or unexpectedly strong demand, the price could rise very quickly. In any case, favorable entry prices could arise right now. Companies that have copper in projects include Kutcho Copper and Hannan Metals.
Hannan Metals – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYCCTD_R_oE – owns the San Martin copper-silver project in the eastern Andes in Peru and neighboring countries, in addition to the County Clare project in Ireland.
Kutcho Copper – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm7Z4Xa4UCw – has a promising feasibility study for its Kutcho project (just over 17,000 hectares of land) in British Columbia.
Current corporate information and press releases from Hannan Metals (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/hannan-metals-ltd/ -) and Kutcho Copper (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/kutcho-copper-corp/ -).
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