
PCE Instruments acquires Munich-based Drive Test GmbH, experts in the field of clamping force measurement

Meschede, North Rhine-Westphalia, 03 November 2022 – PCE Instruments announced today that it has acquired Drive Test GmbH from Munich, a company that develops and manufactures test equipment for clamping force measurement. The current managing director, Wolfgang Schabel, will continue to run the company. The parties have agreed not to disclose the acquisition price or any other terms of the transaction.

Back in 1999, Drive Test GmbH manufactured the original BIA class 2 – a mechanical device for measuring the closing force of bus doors. Since then, the product range has steadily expanded. Closing force meters for doors and gates, car windows and sliding roofs, lift doors and machine protection equipment were added.

PCE Instruments will use the existing infrastructure and the recognition of Drive Test GmbH. "The portfolio of Drive Test GmbH will soon be offered through all sales channels of PCE Instruments, so there will be a leverage effect for Drive Test GmbH from day one", Wolfgang Schabel is pleased.

With the acquisition of Drive Test GmbH, PCE Instruments heralds the next growth phase. "We are pleased that with the acquisition of Drive Test GmbH, we do not only continue to drive our growth course but also further strengthen Germany as a location" says Jörg Gerke, managing director at PCE Instruments. "We are convinced that together with Drive Test GmbH, we will be able to explore further growth potential in Europe and beyond," adds Benjamin Senger, also managing director at PCE Instruments.

Über die PCE Deutschland GmbH

PCE Deutschland GmbH from Meschede-Freienohl in the Sauerland region is a company founded in 1999 by three engineers. With its more than 130 employees and with company locations worldwide, the company has focused on the development, manufacture and distribution of high-performance and innovative products in the fields of measurement, control and weighing technology under the name PCE Instruments.
The comprehensive range of products and services of PCE Instruments offers high precision and flexibility in all applications, as well as outstanding quality and functionality.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

PCE Deutschland GmbH
Im Langel 26
59872 Meschede
Telefon: +49 2903 976 99 0
Telefax: +49 2903 976 9929

Ludger Droste
Telefon: +49 2903 9769940
Fax: +49 2903 976999940
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