World sensation: 3D Motion sensor launched within Gutermann´s acoustic leak logger series
The first of this advanced NB-IoT acoustic logger system with unique and compelling automatic correlation features, was officially launched just 3 years ago on the first World Water Loss Day – which was initiated by Gutermann and the IWA Water Loss Specialist Group and endorsed by the large industry associations IWA and AWWA.
Uri Gutermann, CEO of Gutermann said: “The added value implemented in the related software for the operator is, that if a logger has moved from it’s deployed “Pitch and/or Roll” position, this will be shown as the logger icon being displayed tilted by 45 degrees on both the map and on the right-hand data column”.
“Finally, the benefit for the customer is”, as Uri said, “that this feature gives the clear indication that someone may have moved the logger within the chamber and has not positioned it correctly back on the fitting. Irregular logger pitch can indicate as well that a logger has been dislodged as well by animals or flooding or removed entirely from its resting position on the valve”.
“So, any gaps for monitoring fixed water networks resulting from not-reporting loggers due to changed pitch & roll positions can be avoided with this feature. This leads to higher safety and security for the supervision and control of water networks and related pipes”, Uri said.
How does this work?
The sensor inside the logger tracks its movements and reports them back to the server and the operator surface ZONESCAN NET (ZS NET). The software keeps the history of logger movements as well and displays them on request. Both in the histogram and the column “orientation change”.
This feature can also be setup as an “Event Alarm” and emailed to the user. The feature will be integrated in all new NB-IoT-loggers as a standard feature, enabling customers to take benefit with the next purchase of loggers already.
ZONESCAN NB-IoT leak noise logger for fixed network leak detection with its unique product features have already helped hundreds of utilities and water companies around the globe to upgrade their traditional technologies and methods in leak detection, to improve the efficiency of their water loss reduction programmes and reduce NRW while increasing customer service levels.
Since launch, Gutermann has continued to add functionality and features which have led to an overall product offering and performance that is second to none.
Visit us at https://en.gutermann-water.com/
GUTERMANN ist ein globaler Technologieführer und Innovator im Bereich intelligenter Technologien und Wasserverlust-Lecksuche. GUTERMANN ist seit mehr als 60 Jahren auf die Entwicklung, Herstellung und den Vertrieb sämtlicher herkömmlicher akustischer Lecksuchsysteme spezialisiert. In den letzten 10 Jahren haben wir mit enormem Aufwand die Entwicklung eines komplett automatischen, unbemannten und permanenten Netzwerk-basierten Überwachungssystems vollendet:
ZONESCAN NB-IoT ist der weltweit erste Geräuschlogger zur Erkennung von Wasserleckagen, der auf dem neuen LTE-basierten Mobilfunkstandard NB-IoT basiert, welcher speziell für die Datenkommunikation von Maschine zu Maschine in Smart Cities optimiert worden ist (Internet der Dinge). Er überwacht permanent das Wasserdistributionsnetz auf neue Leckagen und verfügt über einen Korrelationsindikator für die erweiterte Filterung und Leckerkennung in der Gutermann-Cloud.
Direkt aus dem Kontrollraum heraus kann der Wassermeister sein gesamtes Rohrnetz überprüfen und problematische Wassernetz-Zonen analysieren und zielgenau bestehende und neue Lecks – auch kleine und schwierige – in Sekunden einsehen.
Gutermann AG
Gubelstrasse 15
CH6300 Zug
Telefon: +41 (41) 76060-33
Telefax: +41 (41) 76060-34
E-Mail: bernhard.doll@gutermann-water.com