Würth Industrie Service commissions an additional photovoltaic system
Climate change and the consequential natural disasters have already controlled the world, thus stressing the urgency of achieving climate neutrality even more. The use of renewable energy instead of fossil fuels is the most sought-after solution on the path to achieving greenhouse gas-neutrality. Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG, an expert in the field of C-parts management for manufacturing industry customers, intends to lead by example and not only compensate for the rising CO2 footprint but also reduce it sustainably at the Bad Mergentheim location by implementing smart solutions. The company is contributing towards climate protection with the recent commissioning of an additional photovoltaic system. The sprawling plant covering an area of 2,500 square metres has an output of around 480 kWp, which equates to an estimated output of around 415,000 kWh per year. This output is enough to supply around 140 single-family households with electricity per year. At the Drillberg location, multiple photovoltaic systems are currently operational with a combined output of over 900 kWp and generated volume of over 800,000 kWh.
“With the deployment of highly efficient photovoltaic modules, we are able to use our rooftops efficiently for electricity generation, and thus able to cut down around 300 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year”, said Martin Jauss, General Manager at Würth Industrie Service. The expansion of electricity generation plants provides Würth Industrie Service the opportunity to increase self-sufficiency for internal energy consumption. “Solar energy is expected to contribute significantly towards this”, adds Mr. Jauss. The self-generated electricity serves for the company’s own consumption, and in addition to the general demand for electricity, it is used directly in logistics, administration and in electric vehicle charging stations. However, the photovoltaic plant implemented recently is not the only source of electricity generation providing green electricity in the Würth Industrial Park. In the last few years, multiple solar power plants have already been implemented. It is thus possible to increase the current output of 432.740 kWp to more than 900 kWp. Additionally, the two combined heat and power plants (CHPs) on the premises make the C-Parts partner more independent from the mainstream electricity market. Long before the recent expansion of the photovoltaic plant, they were able to independently fulfil more than 30 percent of the total electricity requirement in 2021. Thanks to cogeneration, the CHPs contribute significantly towards conservation of resources. Würth Industrie Service has invested more than EUR 1 million in energy generation plants since the founding of the company until today.
Sustainable action in the Würth Industrial Park
With over 20 years of company history and being a part of the Würth Group, Würth Industrie Service is a traditional company. This also means commitment to the future, and thus also very specifically to the issue of sustainability. Keeping this in mind, a specially created CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) committee combines all the company-wide activities, where operational as well as strategic goals are defined, measures are taken and progress as well as successes are measured. Within the scope of its sustainability strategy, the company is committed to holistic environmental protection, and has a firm focus on avoiding burden on the natural environment and on responsibly handling the natural resources. This includes, for example, the continuation of an eco-friendly disposal strategy, careful land utilisation, sustainable logistics and efficient customer solutions as well as the consistent advancement of digitalisation. The focus is on topics like energy storage, renewable energy production and prevention of CO2 emissions. With the currently implemented and planned measures, Würth Industrie Service is setting the important course for greenhouse gas-neutral energy supply on the hills of Drillberg.
Originally a division for industrial supplies within the parent company Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG, Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG was established as an independent subsidiary at Würth Industrial Park in Bad Mergentheim on 13 January 1999. With currently 1,750 employees, Würth Industrie Service focuses on supplying C-Parts to industrial customers in the manufacturing industry and provides holistic services to a total of 20,000 customers.
Custom-tailored C-Parts Solutions
With our service brand “CPS® C-Parts Solutions”, Würth Industrie Service offers customers in the manufacturing industry made-to-measure logistics supply and service concepts such as scanner-supported storage rack systems, automated electronic ordering systems or just-in-time supplies in Kanban bin systems. The goals are geared clearly towards lowering sourcing costs, optimizing processes, reducing costs and maximizing time savings while at the same time maximizing supply security and minimizing capital commitment. What is needed for this type of professional industrial C-Part supplies: a product range comprising more than 1,100,000 items, including conventional connecting systems and fasteners, DIN and standard parts, auxiliary materials and operating supplies such as PPE and technical chemicals, special parts as per drawing.
Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG
97980 Bad Mergentheim
Telefon: +49 (7931) 91-0
Telefax: +49 (7931) 91-4000
Telefon: +49 (7931) 91-0
Fax: +49 (7931) 91-4000
E-Mail: info@wuerth-industrie.com
Leiterin Marketing
Telefon: 07931 91-1153
E-Mail: stephanie.boss@wuerth-industrie.com
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +49 (7931) 91-3409
E-Mail: pia.schmitt@wuerth-industrie.com