Grandperspective signs Second Closing with KINEO CAPITAL I
The funding will be used to support the worldwide commercialization of Grandperspective’s scanfeld® system and for the development of new software applications. With its unique hardware-software combination, scanfeld@ already offers early warning in case of hazardous emissions. In addition, the system will provide features for plant maintenance and ESG reporting.
René Braun, CEO of Grandperspective, says “With kineo, we continue to have a great partner with outstanding VC and asset-backed financing expertise to support Grandperspective on its scaling in the safety, predictive maintenance and climate tech market.”
Kreske Nickelsen, Partner of kineo, adds:” With this investment, kineo strengthens its support already provided through its venture leasing facility and the initial investmen, which we did as part of the seed round.”
About Grandperspective GmbH (GP):
Grandperspective has developed the world’s first early warning system called scanfeld®. With scanfeld® based on FTIR spectroscopy, hundreds of different gases are located, identified and quantified from a distance of up to one kilometer. With just a few scanfeld® sensor units, even large areas, warehouses and production facilities can be monitored in this way. Gas leaks are quickly detected and the formation of dangerous gas clouds is tracked, measured and visualized in real time.
About kineo:
kineo is an asset financing specialist for innovative technologies and equipment. The team provides venture leasing and working capital solutions for equipment-as-a-service (EaaS) and software-as-a-service (SaaS) business models to accelerate the growth of these companies. In addition, kineo is able to participate in equity financing rounds via kineo Capital, a dedicated VC/PE growth fund advised by kineo finance AG, to complement the asset financing activities.
Die Grandperspective GmbH aus Kleinmachnow bei Berlin hat mit „scanfeld®“ ein innovatives automatisches Frühwarnsystem für kritische Gasaustritte entwickelt.
Durch den Einsatz einer neuartigen optischen Messtechnik identifizieren die „scanfeld®“-Sensoren Gasmoleküle in der Luft, analysieren die chemische Zusammensetzung und bestimmen so Ort und Konzentration der Gaswolke. Als Echtzeit-Frühwarnsystem verkürzt es die Reaktionszeiten nicht nur bei gefährlichen Gasaustritten und erhöht die Sicherheit der Gasanlagen deutlich. Mit „scanfeld®“ können Kundinnen und Kunden ihre Anlagensicherheit nachweisbar verbessern. „scanfeld®“ wurde mit dem „Brandenburger Innovationspreis 2022“ ausgezeichnet.
Die Grandperspective GmbH wurde 2018 von René Braun, Peter Maas und Alexander Herrmann gegründet. In Kleinmachnow und Berlin wirken rund 25 Mitarbeitende.
„scanfeld®“, die Innovation im Film: https://youtu.be/oIybSyj9vNs
Grandperspective GmbH
Leuschnerdamm 13
10999 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 86384011
Telefon: 030 8638 4011
E-Mail: behme@grandperspective.de