HXB100 chip cooler simultaneously cools several components
The innovative chip cooler has an astonishingly light and compact construction. It measures a mere 100 x 75 x 13 mm and with its weight of only 100 g it is ideally suitable for use in portable devices. The heat sink was made of pure aluminium in the modern impact extrusion process and has a black oxide coating which considerably increases the heat output. The milled underside ensures that all hot spots are reached and disturbing components omitted. The result is a clean and compact solution!
Thanks to its robust ball bearings the fan boasts a service life of 350.000 h (MTBF at 40°C) and is thus ideally suitable for fail-safe cooling. The chip cooler can be supplied already assembled enabling safe and simple connection to your application. Solder connections or spring clips are no longer required.
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