Online Event 2023: Lock‐in Thermography for Inspection of Electronics and Integrated Circuits
In particular the lock-in thermography provides highly detailed information during each development step. This information can be essential for the design of complex electronic circuits or assemblies to optimise the thermal management. Active thermography is applied especially in electronics production as a versatile tool: for example, in quality assurance, for permanent monitoring of technological parameters as well as for inline inspection of products in manufacturing.
With the method of lock-In thermography, local heat sources are generated by defined electrical excitation of an electronic component or assembly. These heat sources originate in regular, but also in irregular (electronic) structures of the component or assembly. Irregular heat sources can be clearly identified by comparing the measured heat pattern with simulations and/or reference patterns based on its locations but also its temperature rise.
Our free of charge InfraTec English online event "Infrared Lock-In Thermography for Inspection of Electronics and Integrated Circuits" will provide you with more information about lock-in thermography as a high-precision measurement method for non-contact and non-destructive testing in electronics and electrical engineering.
Online Event: “Infrared Lock-in Thermography for Inspection of Electronics and Integrated Circuits”
Language: English
Including the technical lecture from thermography practice: "Challenges and Applications of Thermography in Microelectronics"
Speaker: Marko Hoffmann from Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH & Co. KG
Date: Thursday, 9 February 2023
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (CET)
Registration: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4571039700354773337?source=PR
Die InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik wurde 1991 gegründet und hat ihren Stammsitz in Dresden. Das inhabergeführte Unternehmen beschäftigt mehr als 200 Mitarbeiter und verfügt über eigene Entwicklungs-, Fertigungs- und Vertriebskapazitäten.
Mit dem Geschäftsbereich Infrarot-Messtechnik zählt InfraTec zu den führenden Anbietern kommerzieller Wärmebildtechnologie. Neben der High-End-Kameraserie ImageIR® und der Produktfamilie VarioCAM® High Definition bietet das Unternehmen schlüsselfertige thermografische Automationslösungen.
Infrarot-Sensoren mit elektrisch durchstimmbaren Filtern auf MOEMS-Basis zählen neben spektral ein- und mehrkanaligen Infrarot-Detektoren zu den Produkten des Geschäftsbereiches Infrarot-Sensorik. Die Detektoren kommen z. B. bei der Gasanalyse, der Feuer- und Flammensensorik sowie der Spektroskopie zum Einsatz.
InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik
Gostritzer Str. 61 – 63
01217 Dresden
Telefon: +49 (351) 82876-0
Telefax: +49 (351) 82876-543
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E-Mail: info@infratec.de