
Trade show success in growth market

The KARL MAYER GROUP looks back on a successful participation in the INDIA ITME in December 2022. The global player went to the leading trade fair in one of its most important market regions with great expectations, and was not disappointed. Almost 1,100 discussions with existing customers and new interested parties were logged.

"We have met many of our customers so far. The first day was still quiet but on the second and third day of the fair many, many more customers came to our stand. We are actually very satisfied with the fair," said Kevin Socha, Managing Director of KARL MAYER (H.K.) Ltd. towards the end of the event. The verdict on the quality of the conversations was also positive. The many exchanges mainly concerned specific questions about machines, textiles and applications.

India is an important market for the KARL MAYER GROUP. The company’s exhibition took this importance into account.

Visitors with focused interests

Most visitors were interested in a textile and fashion show where everything revolved around the topics of comfort, sustainability and new market potential. There was inspiration not only for knitters but also for weavers. Highlights included terry items that can be produced in a more environmentally friendly way than their woven counterparts using warp knitting technology, smart garments made from comfortable 4 -way stretch with a woven-fabric-like look that can also be produced in a more sustainable, cost-effective and efficient way, and innovative athletic outfits, including leggings made from power jersey with the excellent stretch characteristics provided by a twill stitch, shorts made from a lightweight and breathable mesh knit and plain jersey goods. Many of the warp knitted fabrics are created on high-performance digital generation tricot machines. The models work with cloud-based digital solutions from KM.ON to offer customers greater efficiency in management and designs, among other things.

The ISOWARP exhibited on the KARL MAYER stand was also closely surrounded. The sectional warping machine is manufactured with the high quality of the KARL MAYER GROUP at the company’s own production site in Ahmedabad. Customers benefit from the advantages of on-site production and excellent value for money. The ISOWARP manufactures quality beams that enable maximum efficiency in the weaving mill and can be easily operated by personnel with only basic knowledge. At the same time this means low total cost for the investor.

The BMS 52 ki multi gauge E 3,5.2 on show was a magnet for visitors from the flat knitting sector. This attractively priced, high-performance model is predestined for entry into the STOLL world and primarily produces fully fashion and cut & sew articles for the mass market. However, many inquiries were also received about the second STOLL machine at the trade show: the CMS 503 ki multi gauge E 7.2. This representative of the proven CMS series expands STOLL’s highly productive Economic range, takes into account the price sensitivity of Indian customers and impresses with its flexibility.

The KARL MAYER Group’s Care Solutions offerings were also the subject of numerous discussions. In particular, the regional expansion of the tried-and-tested KARL MAYER WEBSHOP for the Warp Preparation Business Unit was very well received. Customers in India can now order spare parts for their warp preparation machines at the click of a mouse.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

KARL MAYER Holding SE & Co. KG
Industriestraße 1
63179 Obertshausen
Telefon: +49 (6104) 402-0
Telefax: +49 (6104) 402-600

Ulrike Schlenker
Telefon: +49 (6104) 402-274
Fax: +49 (6104) 40273274
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