“Bull Sculptures Delight Visitors to Frank Krüger’s Three Galleries on Mallorca”
The path toward completing the first sculptures was not an easy one. It was two years before the elaborately planned works of art could be cast and the first part of the manufacturing process completed. Since then, the artist has worked on the bull sculptures in his studio, some of which are larger than life, in order to create pieces of art that cause a sensation.
Some of the artworks are already able to be viewed in the artist’s galleries on Mallorca and are delighting visitors with their uniqueness and distinct features. There are silver colored bulls that are especially elegant, sculptures in intense red, and bright blue artworks that attract attention with a special effect paint. Of particular significance is a commissioned work in which a bull sculpture was wrapped completely in 24 carat gold leaf, creating an absolute highlight.
Frank Krüger has been pleased with the positive feedback on his work and provides regular glimpses into his creative process through his social media channels. Here, you can discover new videos and photos of the artworks and gain a deeper insight into the creative process.
In addition to the large bull sculptures, smaller artworks made of marble dust and resin have also been created.
The bull sculptures by Frank Krüger may be viewed in the galleries in Palma, Artà, and Cala Ratjada. There, an unforgettable experience is on offer for all art lovers and anyone who is seeking a special encounter with art. Let the impressive bull sculptures inspire you!
Galeria Frank Krüger
Costa d´en Brossa 3
E07001 Palma de Mallorca
Telefon: +34 (971) 425861
Telefon: +34 (619) 515237
E-Mail: info@galeria-frankkrueger.com