Reisen & Urlaub

Es Racó d’Artà joins Healing Hotels of the World

We are pleased to announce that yet a new member has joined the Healing Hotels of the World family: Es Racó d’Artà, whose healing philosophy combines healing practice with the healing power of place. Located in the Llevanto Nature Reserve in Mallorca, the resort is built using natural materials, handmade details and sustainable products, with the least possible impact on the local environment. Truly committed to sustainability, the buildings use a passive solar design, green roofs and highly energy-efficient air conditioning.

Es Racó d’Artà has an ancient story: since the 13th century, it has been home to a farm. Building on this foundation, the resort now consists of a main building with eight light-filled rooms, some with their own terraces. Private cottages called “Casitas“ as well as villas, including a few with their own pools, are also available for booking. Es Racó d’Artà is designed to be both private and quiet, featuring a neutral colour palette and artwork by local artists.

The Healing Resort is designed to encourage rest and relaxation through customised healing journeys based on a wide range of therapies and healing nutrition. The spa has a variety of offerings such as the signature Watsu and Wata treatments: Zen Shiatsu-inspired body treatments performed while floating in warm water, massages, Yoga, meditation and more. Certified as a medical centre, experts provide in-depth experiences and offer profound knowledge about holistic lifestyle choices.

The onsite Restaurant “Beni Axir“, supervised by a nutritionist, offers a daily menu focusing on organic, zero-kilometre produce and traditional local varieties. Each dish is healthy and delicious, sustainably sourced and maintains the island’s traditional culture.

“Get in touch with nature and local heritage by immersing yourself in traditional cooking, farming or craft activities and guided tours”, recommends Elisabeth Ixmeier, Co-Founder of Healing Hotels of the World.

The surrounding area also provides numerous things to do: you can explore the city of Artà, go hiking or cycling in the surrounding area, visit the unspoilt local beaches and cave systems, or play golf at one of the four local clubs. Other activities include local street markets and horse riding.

“The uniqueness of this resort lies in its impeccable attention to detail. The delicate design, the careful consideration of its surroundings and the healing power of the earth create a magical experience for the soul,” says Anne Biging, Co-Founder of Healing Hotels of the World.

Über Healing Hotels of the World

Healing Hotels of the World is the pioneering global brand committed to healing hospitality. Founded in 2006 by Anne Biging and Dr. Elisabeth Ixmeier, the member based collection of 90+ of the best Urban and Resort Healing Hotels around the world brings holistic healing travel based on specific Healing Excellence Standards to life. Member hotels are Healing Certified, ensuring that the wellbeing of each guest is taken to a deeper dimension through their holistic program offering. Healing Hotels of the World provides expert consulting and training, empowering hoteliers to fully embrace the healing guest experience. With the online magazine JUST BREATHE MAG and the yearly HEALING SUMMIT, the leading event for the healing hospitality and holistic lifestyle community, Healing Hotels of the World has found unique ways to express and share its vision of enabling travel guests to become whole in body, mind and soul.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Healing Hotels of the World
Spichernstr. 10
50672 Köln
Telefon: +49 (221) 2053-1175
Telefax: +49 (221) 2053-1177

Kerstin Hauke
Sales and Marketing Assistant
Telefon: +49 (221) 2053-1175
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