Good prospects for gold, silver and platinum
Basically, two different scenarios are possible in the near future. One is that the global economy drifts into recession. It is still debatable whether it is not already there. If the economy is facing a severe recession, with GDP shrinking, then corporate profits would fall. Government bonds would initially hold up well. Investors would then turn away from financial assets and turn more to precious metals. However, really serious events would have to occur as triggers.
The other possible scenario assumes a recovering economy, with no recession in sight in the foreseeable future. Presumably, inflation would then remain at a high level, the price of oil would increase, and interest rates would continue to rise. This would be a disaster for the many countries with immense national debts. High interest payments would again lead to the use of the money printing presses. To counteract such misfortune, a precious metal investment has always been a tried and tested means and still is today. Because gold does not lose its value and preserves savings. By the way, February is one of the best gold months from a statistical point of view.
It is in third place on the best list. January again proved its status as the best gold month this year. At the end of January, the gold price was $1,923.90 per ounce, or 1,772.87 euros. Last year, the gold price rose six percent in February, a very good result. The cause was the Russian invasion. In February 2020, gold was also in high demand with the onset of the pandemic. Investors can also bet on gold with the stocks of OceanaGold or Revival Gold.
OceanaGold is already producing, with projects located in the U.S. (Haile Gold Mine), the Philippines (Didipio Mine) and New Zealand (Macraes and Waihi).
Revival Gold – https://www.commodity-tv.com/play/revival-gold-pre-feasibility-study-coming-early-2023/ – is looking after the revival of the Beartrack-Arnett gold project in Idaho. The project scores with good drill results and the mineralization is still open in all directions.
Current corporate information and press releases from OceanaGold (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/oceanagold-corp/ ).
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