High precision cooled laser diodes
Laser diodes in detector/laser applications require cooling. The miniature or multi-stage Peltier elements of P&N Europe are particularly suitable for this. These elements are suitable for various cooling and heating applications where only a limited area and a small amount of cooling or heating is involved. Peltier elements from P&N Europe generate high cooling power, so that the temperature can be set precisely. The great advantages of these Peltier elements are durability, reliability and most important quality. When using lasers, it is important that the composition is free of impurities. P&N Europe has special cleaning procedures and provides suitable packaging. P&N Europe develops the perfect solution for customers, as well as the individual technical specification.
Über Telemeter Europe
Telemeter Electronic has been a certified sales and service company since 1964, with a focus on solution oriented thinking and acting. We are technically competent partners for our customers and attach great importance to personal and technical support. With regional locations we are active in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic and are always close to you.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Telemeter Europe
Joseph-Gänsler-Straße 10
86609 Donauwörth
Telefon: +49 (906) 70693-0
Telefax: +49 (906) 70693-50
Edna Seiler
Telefon: 004990670693-60
E-Mail: eseiler@telemeter.de
Telefon: 004990670693-60
E-Mail: eseiler@telemeter.de
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