Openautomation, novel software, and new printplatform draw record crowd
“Our customers are tasked with improving throughput and quality, but are also challenged to find and retain qualified personnel,” explains ASMPT Americas Marketing Manager, Mark Ogden. “This strains traditional working models and highlights the necessity for reliable, open automation, simplified interfaces, and at-your-fingertips data. ASMPT has all aspects covered, which is why our APEX exhibit was standing room only and the event an overwhelming success for our company.”
Software ingenuity steals the show
While intrigued by market-leading placement and printing hardware solutions, ASMPT show delegates also unanimously expressed their requirement for open communication protocols, intelligent production line oversight, actionable data analytics, and on-the-fly assistance. Visitors were treated to several new offers in these areas. The company’s WORKS shop floor/line level management suite allows customizable and scalable integration, enabling manufacturers to add features as needed. Among the newest additions is WORKS Material Demand Calculation (MDC), which dynamically assesses materials required on the line, and adapts to changing conditions in real-time instead of supplying to static, pre-production expectations.
Other sought-after software solutions at APEX were newly-launched Virtual Assist and SMT Analytics. SMT Analytics provides deep data collection and analysis for actionable manufacturing improvements, leveraging ASMPT equipment data and correlating it using a Critical Manufacturing MES module.
When operational troubleshooting or maintenance instruction is required, Virtual Assist uses voice recognition to deliver relevant video and documentation assistance for ASMPT equipment. This new technology integrates with the company’s online Academy training platform.
Award-winning, uninterrupted operation
Before the show’s opening, ASMPT’s DEK TQ L stencil printer was already logging wins. The brand-new platform secured a first-place finish in Circuits Assembly magazine’s NPI Award contest, edging out competitors in the stencil printing category. With a smaller footprint, faster cycle time, robust construction, and exceptional accuracy, TQ L demonstrations were in high demand throughout the three-day APEX event. The printer has a dual-cover design for hot-swappable solder paste replenishment, and expanded consumables capacity to allow full shift production without assistance. When paired with Process Expert AI capabilities, TQ L can self-correct and optimize print parameters for even greater efficiency.
Finally, at the center of the ASMPT exhibit were the company’s flexible and scalable SIPLACE SX and SIPLACE TX placement platforms, which continue to lead the electronics sector with performance and reliability. The company has seen significant Americas market share growth in recent years, with placement equipment and corresponding software ingenuity fueling these positive results.
“Electronics content is growing across almost every product category,” concludes Ogden. “This reality, combined with ever-changing market geographics, highlights the need for reliable, intelligent, fast, cost-effective factory solutions. Customers now see these capabilities as non-negotiable competitive differentiators. ASMPT did not disappoint, and our record-setting attendance further confirms that we have invested in all the right places.”
ASMPT (HKEX stockcode: 0522) is a leading global supplier ofhardware and software solutions for themanufacture of semiconductors and electronics.Headquartered in Singapore, ASMPT’s offeringsencompass the semiconductor assembly &packaging, and SMT (surface mount technology)industries, ranging from wafer deposition, tothe various solutions that organise, assembleand package delicate electronic components intoa vast range of end-user devices, which includeelectronics, mobile communications, computing,automotive, industrial and LED (displays). ASMPTpartners with customers very closely, withcontinuous investment in R&D helping toprovide cost-effective, industry-shapingsolutions that achieve higher productivity,greater reliability and enhanced quality.
ASMPT is one of the constituent stocksof the Hang Seng Composite MidCap Index underthe Hang Seng Composite Size Indexes, the HangSeng Composite Information Technology IndustryIndex under Hang Seng Composite Industry Indexesand the Hang Seng HK 35 Index.
To learn more about ASMPT, pleasevisit us at asmpt.com.
The ASMPT SMT Solutionssegment
The mission of the SMTSolutions segment within ASMPT is to implementand support the Integrated Smart Factory atelectronics manufacturers worldwide.
ASMsolutions support the networking, automation andoptimization of central workflows with hardware,software and services that enable electronicsmanufacturers to transition to the IntegratedSmart Factory in stages and enjoy dramaticimprovements in productivity, flexibility andquality. With the integrated concept "OpenAutomation", ASM opens the door for itscustomers to economically feasible automation,entirely in accordance with their individualrequirements – modular, flexible, andvendor-independent.
The product rangeincludes hardware and software such as SIPLACEplacement solutions, DEK printing solutions,inspection and storage solutions, and the SmartShopfloor Management Suite Works. With Works,ASMPT offers electronics manufacturershigh-quality software for planning, controlling,analyzing and optimizing all processes on theShopfloor.
Since maintaining closerelationships with customers and partners is acentral component of ASMPT’s strategy, thecompany has established the SMT Smart Network asa global forum for the active exchange ofinformation between and with smart champions.
For more information about ASMPTvisit smt.asmpt.com.
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