Practical Guide to RF testing Secure Radios (Webinar | Online)
Adoption of software defined radio architecture for secure communications is enabling armed and public safety forces to raise their situational awareness, using more capable, interoperable, secure and robust radios. However, radios have also increased in complexity and reliability requirements, obliging manufacturers and operators to invest in new design methodologies and develop a much more exhaustive multidomain testing procedure. In this first part of the webinar we will focus on the main radiofrequency testing procedures that one can carry on with a one box radio tester such the CMA180 or the CMA-XRT100. We will learn basic concepts and evidence with real radios how to operate these instruments to execute transmit and reception tests, IQ recording, playback and verify waveform parameters, in this case using an APCO radio as an example. Finally we will learn how to set up automated test sequences and how to interpret the automatic generated reports, very useful for I- and O-Level Maintenance. Please join us in this first part of the series to learn how you can conduct radiofrequency measurements on the lab and on the field with test solutions from R&S.
Albert Ramirez, Global Sales Director in the Aerospace & Defense Test Rohde & Schwarz
Albert Ramírez Pérez is the Global Sales Director for the aerospace and defense market at Rohde Schwarz and has been working in the aerospace Industry for almost two decades. Nowadays, Albert is focusing on the military communication segment as he has years of engineering experience at the military aeronautics industry acting as a systems engineer. He was responsible for the communications design and was the software certification expert for the A400M and Eurofighter Aircraft and the NH90 and Tiger Helicopters. Albert also has a very strong background in aerospace standardization, as he has developed business for MathWorks for over 6 years, helping aerospace customers adopt model-based design and simulation software to comply with aerospace standards such RTCA, ECSS or NASA among others. Albert studied radiofrequency communications engineering and holds an MBA in Economy and Innovation Management.
Eventdatum: Montag, 13. Februar 2023 18:00 – 19:00
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Mühldorfstr. 15
81671 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 4129-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 412912-164
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