ritterwerk – The history of a company in Pasing
ritterwerk was founded in 1905 in Sendling as F. Ritter & Sohn, by Franz Ritter. Until the introduction of stainless steel, the company’s core product was the knife cleaning machine, which was used to remove rust from cutlery. After stainless steel was introduced and the knife cleaning machine was no longer needed, Franz Ritter invented the first hand-operated B 50 bread slicer, followed by the first electric food slicer at the end of the 1960s. True to the Bauhaus principles, this laid the foundation for the further development of ritterwerk. In the years between 1912 and 1982, the company was headquartered in the current building of the Pasinger Factory cultural and civic centre. ritterwerk relocated to Gröbenzell near Munich in 1982, where it is still located today. The Pasinger Fabrik was sold to the City of Munich and serves municipal purposes.
The exhibition opens to the public on February 15, 2023, with a public inauguration; it will then be open from Tuesday to Sunday beginning on February 16, 2023. We cordially invite you to attend.
There will be plenty of entertainment. The four-part accompanying program includes, for example, conversations with general manager Michael Schüller and his two sons, Moritz and Lorin Schüller. As well as conversations with contemporary witnesses and ritterwerk‘s industrial designer, Martin Dettinger, who has been at the helm of the appliances‘ design since 2010.
In line with the reparability ideal of ritterwerk, a workshop with the artist Gisbert Stach will also be offered. In this workshop, household appliances can be designed and equipped with a wide variety of functions. The materials used are original components of ritter kitchen appliances.
We hope to have sparked your interest, and look forward to welcoming you to the exhibition from 16.02.2023 to 16.04.2023 at the Pasinger Fabrik.
ritterwerk wurde 1905 von Franz Ritter gegründet. Seitdem entwickelt und fertigt das mittelständische Unternehmen Tisch- und Einbau-Hausgeräte, die den Küchenalltag erleichtern. Wenn es um Einbau-Kleingeräte in der Küche geht, ist ritter Marktführer. Das Unternehmen entwickelt, konstruiert und produziert, unter der Geschäftsleitung von Michael Schüller, ausschließlich in Gröbenzell bei München. Die Unternehmensphilosophie "Made in Germany" steht dabei nicht allein für den Standort Deutschland. Vielmehr bezieht sie hohe Qualitätsstandards, Materialgerechtigkeit, Nachhaltigkeit sowie funktionales Design mit ein, ganz im Sinne der Bauhaus-Lehre der 20er Jahre.
Weitere Informationen unter: [url=http://www.ritterwerk.de]http://www.ritterwerk.de[/url]
ritterwerk GmbH
Industriestraße 13
82194 Gröbenzell
Telefon: +49 (8142) 44016-0
Telefax: +49 (8142) 44016-70
Stellv. Marketingleitung
Telefon: +49 (8142) 4401639
Fax: +49 (8142) 4401671
E-Mail: victoria.keller@ritterwerk.de