The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit celebrates its 1st MEA edition with more than 120 experts in Dubai
+ Globally 50+ new mandates /obligations for E-Invoicing and E-Reporting announced
+ Tax administrations all over the globe see opportunity to close tax gap
+ For Europe ViDA expected to bring huge changes to the E-Invoicing and E-Reporting landscape
+ Egypt and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as first movers: blueprints for the MEA region?
+ In Africa a huge E-Invoicing / E-Reporting wave is expected to be seen over the next 5 years
+ Multinational companies challenged to comply with different regulatory and technical requirements
+ Corporates often faced with too short time frames for adopting their business processes to comply with new and changing requirements
+ Need for a egal, organisational, semantic and technical interoperability, that ideally would have to be defined on a global scale and thus could serve as a strong accelerator for adoption and digitisation
+ Focus on overall optimisation of business processes; potential of end-to-end automation of processes is much higher than "just" closing the tax gap
The E-Invoicing Exchange Summit has proven once more to be a great opportunity to network with thought leaders and like-minded experts in the field of E-Invoicing and E-Reporting. Expecting the accelerating implementation and roll-out of E-Invoicing in the region, the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit team has already started to plan the next edition in Dubai in February 2024.
More information on the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit: www.exchange-summit.com
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