Artists‘ Colony „Black House“ Solingen (Germany) – Inclusion in the Council of Europe Cultural Route – Impressionisms Routes©
The inclusion and recognition in the Council of Europe’s Cultural Route – Impressionisms Routes© is another step for the appreciation and achievement of the Artists‘ Colony "Black House" Solingen. "We are not only proud and feel very honoured that the European focus is on the work and creations of the Solingen Artist Colonists. Rather, it is also in line with the goals of the Bettina Heinen-Ayech Foundation – Foundation for Art, Culture and International Dialogue – to focus not only on the works and creations of the protagonists of the Artists‘ Colony but also on the idea of international understanding," says Dr Haroun Ayech, Chairman of the Foundation.
Impressionisms Routes© was certified as a "Council of Europe Cultural Route" in 2018 and included by the Council of Europe in the spectrum of European Cultural Routes launched. The Routes are the local networks that implement the Council of Europe’s core values: Human Rights, Cultural Democracy, Cultural Diversity and Identity, Exchange and Mutual Enrichment across Borders. They act as channels for intercultural dialogue and promote a better knowledge and understanding of European history. For the Artists‘ Colony "Black House" Solingen, this is another great and significant recognition of European dimension. This recognition also acknowledges the extraordinary attitude of the founder of the Artists‘ Colony – Erwin Bowien (1899-1972) – who, as an exile of the first hour, left Germany as early as 1933 and, although he was banned from exhibiting by the Reich Chamber of Culture and had to endure the confiscation of his paintings by the Gestapo, dared to make a hopeful new start in Solingen as early as 1945.
In order to make the identity of this extraordinary and special Artists‘ Colony visible and liveable, the Bettina Heinen-Ayech Foundation as initiator and sponsor has launched the project Museum Artists‘ Colony "Black House" Solingen. It sees itself as a pioneer in the creation of a place of presentation, encounter and documentation for all the intentions of the work of the Artists‘ Colony at that time, which are to be preserved. Visitors should get to know the life and work of the Artists‘ Colonists. In addition to the works of the Artists‘ Colonists, the planned museum will also present literary friends, sculptors and artists who were close to the "Black House". In addition to the works of the Artist Colonists, the planned museum will also present literary friends, sculptors and artists who were close to the "Black House". In addition, special exhibitions of other national and international artists can expand the exhibition spectrum.
Background information can be found at:
Impressionisms Routes© www.impressionismsroutes.fr
Council of Europe www.coe.int/en/web/cultural-routes,
Bettina Heinen-Ayech Foundation www.bettina-heinen-ayech-foundation.com
Museum Artists‘ Colony "Black House" www.museum-schwarzes-haus.com
Dr. Haroun Ayech
Neuenkamperstrasse 163
42657 Solingen
Telefon: +49 (151) 42221142
E-Mail: mail@bettina-heinen-ayech-foundation.com