Datwyler AGM approves all proposals of the Board
Dividend payout of over 50%
The Annual General Meeting approved a dividend of CHF 3.20 (previous year CHF 4.20) per bearer share and CHF 0.64 (previous year CHF 0.84) per registered share. With total dividends of CHF 54.4 million and a payout ratio of 51.9%, Datwyler maintains a balance between dividend payments and strengthening the balance sheet. Last year’s reported net result of CHF 194.0 million included an exceptional contribution of CHF 70.3 million from operations and from the divestment of online distributor Reichelt. The dividend will be paid free of charges by means of coupon no. 17 as of 13 March 2023. The first trading without dividend entitlement (exdate) is on 9 March 2023.
Amendment to the Articles of Association with addition of sustainability
The proposed amendment to the Articles of Association due to the revised Swiss Stock Corporation Act was approved. In order to emphasize the high priority of sustainability, among other things, a statement on the creation of long-term and sustainable value was added to the purpose of the company. Furthermore, the Board of Directors may decide in the future that the Annual General Meeting will be held electronically without a physical meeting. However, in general, Datwyler still plans to hold a physical Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors has deliberately refrained from proposing a capital band at this time.
Re-election of all Directors
All directors were re-elected for a further one year term of office. The special meeting of the bearer share holders elected the existing Board member Judith van Walsum and the existing Board members Jens Breu and Martin Hirzel as their representatives. The Board of Directors continues to consist of eight members and is chaired by Paul Hälg. Hanspeter Fässler (Chairman), Claude R. Cornaz and Jens Breu were re-elected as members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee. The Audit Committee consists of Jürg Fedier (Chair), Gabi Huber, Judith van Walsum and Martin Hirzel. KPMG was confirmed as auditors for a further year.
Datwyler – leading provider of high-quality, system-critical elastomer components
In billions of syringes and in every second car around the world, Datwyler components make an important contribution to patient and driver safety. The high-tech company focuses on high-quality, system-critical elastomer components and holds leading positions in attractive global markets such as healthcare, mobility, connectivity, general industry, and food & beverage. Datwyler materializes ideas for a safer, smarter and more sustainable world. Thanks to recognized core competencies, the company offers added value to its customers as a development partner. Its strategic priorities of profitable growth, sustainability, agility and digitalization make Datwyler an attractive partner for all stakeholders. With more than 25 production sites on four continents, sales in over 100 countries and more than 8’000 employees, the company generates annual revenue of more than CHF 1’100 million. Headquartered in Switzerland, Datwyler has been listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange since 1986 (security number 3048677).
Dätwyler Holding AG
Gotthardstr. 31
CH6460 Altdorf
Telefon: +41 (41) 8751304
Telefax: +41 (41) 8751205
Head Corporate Communications
Telefon: +41 (41) 87519-00
Fax: +41 (41) 87512-05
E-Mail: guido.unternaehrer@daetwyler.ch