
End-User Computing 2023: oneclick™ mentioned in recent Tech analyst report by Forrester in the categories Desktop-as-a-Service and Hybrid Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

oneclick™ is listed twice in the latest report ‘The Forrester Tech Tide™: End-User Computing, Q1 2023’ by Forrester, one of the most influential research and consulting companies in the world.

The report identifies end-user computing (EUC) as “increasingly critical to firms’ ability to win, serve, and retain customers”. According to the report, 55 % of infrastructure-hardware-technology-decision-makers claim their organization is adopting on-premises VDI. Meanwhile, 58 % are prioritizing VDI hosted in cloud, with 56 % reporting DaaS (Desktop-as-a-Service) as their preference.

Dominik Birgelen, CEO of oneclick AG, says: “The importance of EUC technologies will continue to grow in 2023 since these do not only facilitate hybrid working but also enable organizations to increase productivity, strengthen cybersecurity and save costs.”

Forrester rates the business value and maturity in their report for each EUC-Technology, showing that both DaaS and Hybrid Virtual Desktop Infrastructure are of high value for companies.

Hybrid Virtual Desktop Infrastructure is listed as “to be maintained”, meaning it is a generally stable, mature technology that will continue to have a high benefit for companies. Working independent of location, as well as the rising importance of employee experience and cybersecurity have accelerated VDI’s development and adoption over the last years. The Forrester report lists oneclick AG as one of four sample vendors for Hybrid Virtual Desktop Infrastructure solutions. The biggest task in this hybrid VDI approach is to ensure management and administration for different environments.

DaaS-solutions enable organizations to deploy desktop environments on demand and reduce VDI management overhead while accelerating delivery time, providing an additional level of security for remote workers and bring-your-own-device (BYOD).

DaaS is classified in the category “to be invested” and therefore counts as a technology that matured to the point where enterprises can invest confidently. oneclick AG is suggested by Forrester as one of ten providers in this category.

Despite businesses accelerating their adoption of DaaS and VDI in cloud, Forrester states that EUC technologies are not just necessary tools but a “competitive factor in the battle for talent”.

According to Forrester maintaining existing on-premises environments in combination with cloud technologies enables “organizations to maximize investments while taking advantage of cloud agility and flexibility.”

Über die oneclick Group AG

oneclick AG with headquarters in Zurich (Switzerland) and an innovation engine in Traunstein (Germany) is specialized in the development and operation of a cloud platform for automated and secure deployment of digital workspaces. The oneclick™ Cloud Platform is the easiest, fastest and safest way to provision all business applications including associated data and connect users to it. As a central access and distribution platform in the cloud, oneclick™ enables management of the entire technology stack for application deployment. The goal of oneclick AG is to play a major role in shaping and improving end user computing.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

oneclick Group AG
Feldeggstraße 26
CH8008 Zürich
Telefon: +41 (44) 57888-93

Dominik Birgelen
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