ORACLE Cost Explosion – Pre-owned software, third-party support and other options
The Oracle experts at ProLicense know ways to escape the Oracle price spiral. One interesting possibility is the combination of Oracle third-party support and Oracle preowned software. ProLicense is Europe’s largest and most experienced dealer for Oracle used software. "The combination of third-party Oracle support and preowned Oracle licences offers exciting possibilities for cost reduction", says Sören Reimers, lawyer and specialist for preowned Oracle licences.
Companies should consider all possibilities to escape the Oracle cost trap. Customers ask the Oracle specialists Markus Oberg and Sören Reimers the same questions again and again:
– Which Oracle preowned software is being traded?
– Always cheaper than the best Oracle offer?
– What discounts are reachable?
– How do I integrate this into my existing contracts?
– Does Oracle third party support offer more security than original vendor-support?
– Is there a life without upgrade rights and patches?
– How do I get out of my contracts?
– How do I create islands for oracle third-party support?
All these questions are answered by the Oracle specialists of ProLicense within a free consultation, which interested customers can book easily via the ProLicense website.
Oracle Third Party Support is not an option?
However, customers for whom Oracle third-party support is not an option for various reasons can also be helped. "We can also help customers reduce payments on original manufacturer support. Sometimes cost savings of up to 30% are possible. For this we use our more than 20 years of Oracle experience", says Christian Grave, specialist for Oracle licensing.
Interested parties can find out more about ProLicense, Oracle pre-owned software on the ProLicense website:
ProLicense Xchange – trading software assets
Via the ProLicense website customers schedule an appointment if they are only interested in reducing Oracle support costs:
ProLicense – optimising software assets
Usefull videos about ORACLE pre-owned software:
Do you use ORACLE 3rd party support and need upgrades?
How quick can I buy ORACLE pre-owned software?
Do I have to report the transfer of ORACLE preowned software?
The secret of savings on ORACLE Software – Separation of upgrade and support
ORACLE used software – which discounts are possible?
ORACLE USED SOFTWARE – Do I need Oracle’s consent to trade Oracle licenses?
ORACLE SOFTWARE – How can I sell unused licenses?
ORACLE used licenses – Which licenses are traded?
Complete playlist: Oracle preowned software
ProLicense Xchange
St. Paul’s Street 325
MNXR 4012 Naxxar
Telefon: +356 99 5835-75
E-Mail: markus.oberg@prolicense.com