Unique scanner for healthcare settings: DENSO WAVE EUROPE launches SC1-QB soon
The digitization of data and information as well as their processing in hospitals and other healthcare facilities is increasing, as more and more devices and objects are connected digitally. An example is the electronic patient file and its linking to more software components such as drug prescription software.
To bring a needed breakthrough to these increasingly digitalized healthcare settings, DENSO WAVE EUROPE, member of the Toyota Group, has developed the patent-pending SC1-QB scanner. One of the key features of the new SC1-QB scanner is its smooth surface: There are no crevices, cracks, and screw holes where microbes and pathogens could hide. Hence, the SC1-QB scanner from DENSO is easy to clean and ideal for day-in-day-out use with chemical disinfectants for anti-bacterial cleaning common to hospitals and other healthcare settings.
DENSO WAVE EUROPE will launch the scanner in Europe in April this year. Further information on Auto-ID solutions, scanners, handheld terminals, mobile computers, RFID, and innovative QR Code models can be found at https://www.denso-wave.eu/.
Furthermore, the SC1-QB scanner makes the entry of prescriptions much smoother. While it initially took a long time to enter a patient’s information and contents of prescriptions to a respective system, the new scanner from DENSO automates the process.
Information on patients, medical institutions, medicines, instructions, and more is automatically entered by printing a QR Code on a prescription issued by a hospital and scanning the QR Code at a dispensing pharmacy. In addition, errors caused due to visual checking can be reduced, since the actual medicines are checked against the list in the respective system. This short video shows how the SC1-QB scanner from DENSO works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0j_lKbgBFk
At only 4.5 ounces (130 grams), the SC1-QB scanner from DENSO is pleasantly lightweight. In fact, it is the lightest in its class, as of August 2022. The scanner’s ergonomic contours and pressure-sensitive piezoelectric trigger enables easy scanning.
Moreover, the SC1-QB scanner’s internal capacitor fully charges in just three minutes or less – eliminating needless downtime. Even on low power, the SC1-QB scanner gets dozens of scans after only 60 seconds of charging. However, the scanner’s internal capacitor never needs replacement, unlike traditional batteries.
And since users often wish to recharge their own human batteries in fast-paced environments such as hospitals or similar healthcare units, the SC1-QB scanner from DENSO is an ideal companion. The scanner is equipped with the latest code-reading technology from DENSO and thus ensures swift, accurate data capture – scan after scan after scan. It comes enabled with Bluetooth 5 (BLE) for added wireless functionality.
Like the users in hospitals and other healthcare environments, the SC1-QB is dependable. The scanner is made to withstand the rigors of typical daily use, tested in multiple drops from heights of up to two meters. The SC1-QB scanner is also highly resistant to dust and water intrusion, making it a reliable accessory in varying environments and room conditions.
In addition to hospitals and healthcare settings, the SC1-QB scanner from DENSO can also be used in offices, restaurants, retail, and other shared environments. Further information on DENSO and the modern auto-ID solutions, mobile computers, handheld terminals, scanners, RFID, and the QR Code is available at https://www.denso-wave.eu/.
QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
DENDENSO WAVE ist ein globaler Anbieter für hochwertige Auto-ID-Lösungen, die Unternehmen in Einzelhandel, Logistik und Gesundheitswesen dabei unterstützen, ihre Lagerverwaltung zu verbessern, vollständige Datentransparenz zu gewährleisten und Prozesse entlang der Lieferkette zu beschleunigen.
Als Erfinder des QR Code® strebt DENSO nach nichts weniger als Perfektion. DENSO WAVE Hardware- und Softwarelösungen werden daher ausführlich getestet, bevor sie auf dem Markt erhältlich sind. Auf diese Weise stellt das Unternehmen sicher, dass sich Benutzer voll und ganz auf ihre Aufgaben konzentrieren können.
Die Lösungen von DENSO WAVE reichen von Premium-RFIDLesegeräten, Handheld-Terminals / Mobilen Computern und Barcode Scannern bis hin zu komplexen und Cloudbasierten IoTDatenmanagementsystemen.
DENSO WAVE. Driven by quality.
DENSO ist Mitglied der Toyota Gruppe und wird in Europa exklusiv durch die DENSO WAVE EUROPE GmbH vertreten.
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