Energie- / Umwelttechnik

Year-round electricity storage picea already sold 500 times

  • Demand from private and commercial customers remains high.
  • Number of picea systems sold increased to more than 500 units.
  • Customers contribute to the energy transition with long-term electricity storage based on green hydrogen.

HPS Home Power Solutions (HPS), the world’s leading provider of green hydrogen-based year-round electricity storage for buildings, has sold more than 500 picea systems up to date. This marks an important milestone in the company’s growth strategy, having only reached the 300 all-season electricity storage systems sold mark since entering the market in 2019 in September 2022. Demand from customers in the private and commercial sectors is also high in the current year.

Zeyad Abul-Ella, founder and CEO of HPS: “The sale of the 500th picea year-round electricity storage system is not only the achievement of a round number for us, but also the confirmation of offering a convincing product with picea. We will continue to scale our business and significantly increase the number of units in order to offer even more customers the chance of a sustainable, reliable and independent power supply in the future – both in the private and commercial sector. Anyone who installs picea can use the solar power of the summer also in the winter and complete their personal energy transition.”

The delivery time for a picea system is currently around twelve months due to high demand. It is therefore advisable to order the year-round electricity storage system quickly. Due to the sustained growth basis, HPS is now focusing on scaling production in order to build up further capacity. The picea system is extremely versatile and is suitable for both owner-occupied homes and commercial properties. picea uses surplus electricity from a photovoltaic system to produce green hydrogen and thus store energy seasonally. This energy can be used as electricity and heat when needed, resulting in a high overall utilisation rate of up to 90 percent. The year-round electricity storage system is ideal for homes, but can be scaled up by connecting several picea to form a multi-picea to increase storage capacity.

HPS has so far concentrated on the German market and works with a network of certified partners with whom sales are constantly optimised. With the digital HPS Academy, which was launched in summer 2022, the structures for the further expansion of the partner network have been created. This is an important building block in the growing organisational structures. In addition, HPS will continuously develop the technology behind picea. HPS already holds a large number of patents in various countries, which should secure the technological lead and prepare the internationalisation of the business.

For more information, visit: www.homepowersolutions.de.

Über die HPS Home Power Solutions AG

HPS is the world leader in the development and production of integrated energy storage systems based on green hydrogen for homes, multi-family houses and commercial properties. HPS addresses important areas of the energy transition with its innovative picea year-round electricity storage system. The surplus energy generated by a photovoltaic system on sunny days is stored as green hydrogen and used in the dark season to supply electricity and heat. Thus, buildings can be provided with solar energy from their own roofs all year round. The Berlin-based company was founded in 2014 by Zeyad Abul-Ella and Dr. Henrik Colell. HPS has won several prestigious awards with picea, most recently the Handelsblatt Energy Award, the Berlin-Brandenburg Innovation Award and the Sustainability Challenge of the German Sustainable Building Council.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

HPS Home Power Solutions AG
Carl-Scheele-Str. 16
12489 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 235914-600

Nils Boenigk
Public Affairs & Public Relations
Telefon: +49 (30) 235914-704
E-Mail: nbo@homepowersolutions.de
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