3D Pioneers Challenge 2023 announces its finalists!
The finalists of the 3DPC2023 rethink circular economy from the ground up and it´s realized through innovative materials that take nature as inspiration. The 3D community shows with remarkable social projects how passionate they are and how important it is to develop sustainable solutions together. That´s how latest concepts and visions of individuals can pave the way for all- towards a more sustainable future.
The importance of additive technologies is clearly visible in the medical sector. Researchers from France are, for example, working on breast implants made from 3D-printed stem cells that can give breast cancer patients hope for a normal quality of life again. Achievements in electronics focus on democratization and are intended to be made accessible to everyone.
High-resolution structures and promising processes allow us to dream of completely new areas of application.
Further highlights of the exhibition are literally ground-breaking developments in competitive sports. Pinarello´s aerodynamically designed and additively manufactured racing bike led to the track world record in 2022. Similarly, Wilson’s 3D-printed basketball is currently causing a sensation not only in the NBA. Iconic design and a touch of Hollywood can also be visited at the trade fair stand, such as Queen Ramonda´s Wakanda crown from Marvel’s Black Panther, which was recently awarded an Oscar for best costume design.
The world will again be watching Erfurt in May when the finalists of the international competition showcase the trend radar at Rapid.Tech 3D and demonstrate how advanced technologies enable today and tomorrow. "The projects show an impressive variety of pioneering approaches, forward-looking mindsets and viable applications," says Simone Völcker, founder of the 3D Pioneers Challenge.
2023, entries from 29 countries and five continents were submitted. 43 pioneers made it to the final round after the voting by the 32-member jury consisting of design and technology experts as well as scientists and politicians.
Facts 3DPC 2023
The 3D Pioneers Challenge is one of the world’s most prestigious competitions for innovation, additive manufacturing and cutting-edge technologies.
Participants can expect prizes worth a total of more than €185,000.
The prize money of €35,000 is provided by the Thuringian Ministry of Economic Affairs Science and Digital Society.
The "Main Winner" wins the "3DPC Trophy". The limited edition design object was created especially for the 3DPC in cooperation with Designer Ross Lovegrove, Hyperganic and Materialise.
Three winners can look forward to 3D printers from MakerBot (SKETCH Large), Asiga (Asiga MAX UV) or the newly launched Ultimaker S7.
As digital tools nTopology awards two "nTop Full versions" software licenses for their engineering design software and the "Best Industrial Project" wins the 3 month software package for the “on-demand manufacturing software” by 3YOURMIND.
For 2023 3DPC invented for the first time a Special Mention, that will go to the "Best Start-Up": AM Ventures, supporters for start-ups in Additive Manufacturing, invites the winning team to a workshop. During the customised coaching by the experts, the winners will receive input on "Pitch Coaching", "Business Model" or "Scaling".
Long-time partner Autodesk recognizes excellence under the scope of „Special Mention by Autodesk Technology Centers“ by providing the opportunity for three winners to join the Autodesk Technology Centers Outsight Network – a global community of industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and researchers building future-focused technology.
Books by avedition, the publishing house for architecture and design, round off the prize packages. Die Preise und Specials wurden mit den Partnern aus dem „3DPC & Friends“ Netzwerk so zusammengestellt, um die Teilnehmer in ihren Vorhaben und Projekten best möglich zu unterstützen.
The award ceremony will take place during Rapid.Tech 3D (9-11 May 2023, Messe Erfurt). The finalist and winning projects will be exhibited at the 3DPC special area.
In addition to a broad information platform, Rapid.Tech 3D is also a creative meeting place for start-ups as well as for experts and industry giants of additive manufacturing. The high-class and strongly useroriented congress is complemented by a trade exhibition on the additive process chain with suitable opportunities for networking and exchange, e.g. at various evening events or the 3D Printing Conference.
Advanced Technologies to enable a sustainable tomorrow.
Epic challenges surround us demanding social, ecological, economic and personal change. In those times it’s creative pioneers who take a conscious, deep breath to rethink the status quo. Driven by a mindset that reflects, settles, and sorts everything, they focus on holistic solutions for a better now and tomorrow. Let’s be pioneers. Be resilient.
We do need to converge and generate bridges focusing a sustainable transfer of that approach. Advanced technologies such as digital tools and additive manufacturing are key roles that enable transformation and innovation.
Jury 3DPC2023
Frank Beckmann_Fraunhofer IAPT
Prof. Christiane Beyer_Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Dr. Shajay Bhooshan_Zaha Hadid Architects
Stefanie Brickwede_DB, Mobility goes Additive
Bas de Jong_3YOURMIND
Lutz Dietzold_German Design Council
Stephan Galozy_3YOURMIND
Sarah Goehrke_Additive Integrity
Pia Harlaß_DyeMansion
Arno Held_AM Ventures
Dr. Karsten Heuser_Siemens Digital Industries
Thomas Hundt_Jangled Nerves
Dr. Cordelius Ilgmann_ Thuringian Ministry of Economic Affairs Science and Digital Society.
Carina Lebsack_Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG
Marie-Lucie Linde_Sustainable Natives, nextblooming
Ulf Lindhe_Additive Manufacturing Business Innovator – Oqton
Ross Lovegrove_Lovegrove Studio
Dr. Cora Lüders-Theuerkauf_Medical goes Additive e.V.
Prof. Shlomo Magdassi_Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Alana Monghkhounsavath _ Autodesk Technology Centers
Kristin Mulherin_Women in 3D Printing
Joris Peels_SmarTech Analysis, 3DPrint.com
Sonja Rasch_Materialise
Peter Rogers_Velo3D
Virginia San Fratello_Emerging Objects
Dr.-Ing. Sascha Schwarz_ TUM Venture Lab Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Dirk Simon_FARSOON Europe
Matthew Spremulli_Autodesk Research
Joachim Stumpp_raumPROBE
Andreas Velten_IFA3D Medical Solutions
Christoph Völcker_Innovation Lab AM, Würth Elektronik
Partner 3DPC 2023
3Druck.com, 3D natives, 3DPrint.com, 3D Printing Industry, 3YOURMIND, aed e.V., ALL3DP, AM Ventures, Asiga, Autodesk Technology Centers, avedition, DB Deutsche Bahn, Designspotter, DyeMansion, Farsoon Europe, Fraunhofer IAPT, Haute Innovation, Jangeld Nerves, MakerBot, Materialise, Medical goes Additive e.V., Messe Erfurt, Mobility goes Additive e.V., ndion_News on Design, nTopology, Rapid.Tech 3D, Rat für Formgebung, raumPROBE, Siemens, Stratasys, Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft, TUM Venture Lab, Ultimaker, Verband 3DDruck e.V., Woman in 3D Printing, Würth GmbH & Co. KG
About Rapid.Tech 3D
The Rapid.Tech3D is the future-oriented pioneering event of the AM scene at Messe Erfurt/Germany and will take place from May 9th to 11th, 2023. The event offers a successful triad of specialist congress, exhibition and networking opportunities for the AM industry. In addition to a broad information platform, Rapid.Tech 3D is also a creative meeting place for start-ups as well as for experts and industry giants of additive manufacturing. The high-class and strongly user-oriented congress is complemented by a trade exhibition on the additive process chain with suitable opportunities for networking and exchange, e.g. at various evening events or the 3D Printing Conference. The Rapid.Tech3D is proud to offer the additive technologies 2023 a broad stage already for the 19th time.
About 3D Pioneers Challenge
The international competition for Additive Manufacturing processes and Advanced Technologies is the most prestigious award of its kind and is one of the most highly endowed worldwide. The annual announcement and presentation of the finalists is considered to be the innovation monitor of the industry. Unique in its structure, the competition has been addressing specialists who think outside the box since 2015 – pushing boundaries!
3DPC Platform
The Challenge has become a platform with a global network and is an interface for creative futuremakers, pioneers of advanced technologies and innovators from research and industry.
„3DPC & Friends“
Under the umbrella of 3DPC & Friends, 3DPC brings together the creative minds and high-tech pioneers of the 3DPC platform in an interdisciplinary way, resulting in new, groundbreaking projects in which everyone can contribute and live out their expertise – design rethought! The 3DPC shows today what tomorrow will bring – pushing boundaries.
3D Pioneers Challenge – Völcker & Völcker GbR
Fronhof 2/1
70378 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (711) 6584499
Telefon: +49 (361) 400-1350
E-Mail: i.schoepe@messe-erfurt.de
Telefon: +49 (711) 65844-99
E-Mail: info@3dpc.io