CELLphenomics’ and KYAN Therapeutics combined platforms provide best-in-class solutions to support the biopharma industry
KYAN’s technology platform, Optim.AI™, combined with CELLphenomics’ expertise in PD3D® model establishment and cultivation of patient-derived complex cell culture model cultures from various tumor entities and toxicity testing support clinical compound selection through the testing of:
• drug efficacy
• off-target toxicity
• combination strategies
• mode of action
• biomarker identification
• patient stratification
Optim.AI™ is a revolutionary technology that combines small data AI and wet lab biology. KYAN’s platform solves large and complex search spaces to identify and rank combination treatments with small amounts of tissue sample.
“The main breakthrough for KYAN is that we only need to use minimal amounts of data points to predict and solve for large search spaces. The data points that we generate are from prospective experiments that measure the phenotypic response of drugdose combinations across different biological models, like the PD3D® models established by CELLphenomics,“ said Hugo Saavedra, CEO of Kyan.
“CELLphenomics‘ patient-derived 3D cell culture models (PD3D®) recapitulate the tissue architecture of the original tumor and maintain key features of the donor tumor: IHC markers, genomic features, and key mutations,” said Dr. Christian Regenbrecht, cancer researcher and CEO of CELLphenomics. “They are highly predictive to treatment response and enable the biopharma industry to save time and laboratory animals.”
The development of new drugs and therapies for cancer patients requires a variety of preclinical studies to assess their safety and effectiveness, and previously included wide use of animal testing. However, recent changes in regulations by US and European legislators have allowed applicants to use alternative methods for toxicity testing in biosimilar applications. This milestone was made possible by the introduction of highly reliable and predictive preclinical models such as our PD3D® platform. The FDA and EMA are in the process of adapting their guidelines accordingly. In this context PD3D® models will be a cornerstone of these new policies.
Please feel free to schedule your appointment with Dr. Christian Regenbrecht and Hugo Saavedra at the Annual Meeting of the AACR 2023 in Orlando, Florida.
KYAN Therapeutics
KYAN Therapeutics is a biotechnology company that tackles the complexity of cancer by combining small data AI and biological experiments. Our technology platforms were developed in collaboration with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) to redefine how therapies are developed and offered to patients. From drug development to personalized medicine, KYAN offers an efficient solution to identify the optimal outcome to millions of possible drug-dose combinations. KYAN’s technology has been peer reviewed in several reputable and high impact factor journals and implemented in multiple clinical studies. For more details, please visit: www.kyantherapeutics.com
CELLphenomics GmbH is a German biotech company founded in 2014. Our core competence is the establishment and cultivation of complex patient-derived cell culture models (PD3D®) from various solid tumor tissues and their application in research and drug development. Our PD3D® models robustly recapitulate the biological properties of the donor tissue and offer high-throughput efficacy testing, drug combination screening, toxicity profiling, target validation, drug sensitivity correlation with clinical response, and biomarker identification. Our continuously growing biobank comprises more than 450 organoid models from more than 20 tumor entities and is complemented by clinical and molecular data to support multiple research interests.
For more details, please visit: www.cellphenomics.com
CELLphenomics GmbH
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 9489-4420
CEO of CELLphenomics
E-Mail: christian.regenbrecht@cellphenomics.com
CEO of Kyan Therapeutics
E-Mail: hugo@kyantherapeutics.com
Telefon: +49 (30) 2359467-76
E-Mail: melanie.alperstaedt@cellphenomics..com