Fraport Traffic Figures – March 2023: Passenger Growth Continues
Cargo throughput (airfreight + airmail) in Frankfurt continued to decrease by 7.1 percent year-on-year in March 2023, once again reflecting the overall economic slowdown. Aircraft movements climbed by 19.2 percent year-on-year to 32,125 takeoffs and landings. Accumulated maximum takeoff weights (MTOWs) expanded by 15.8 percent year-on-year to around 2.0 million metric tons.
Growth at Fraport’s Group airports worldwide also continued in March 2023. Slovenia’s Ljubljana Airport (LJU) served 78,581 passengers in the reporting month (up 54.3 percent year-on-year). Fraport’s two Brazilian airports of Fortaleza (FOR) and Porto Alegre (POA) saw combined traffic advance to 1.0 million passengers (up 7.4 percent). Lima Airport (LIM) in Peru registered some 1.6 million passengers (up 16.8 percent). At the 14 Greek regional airports, total traffic rose to 731,014 passengers (up 33.4 percent). Fraport’s Twin Star airports serving the Bulgarian coastal towns of Burgas (BOJ) and Varna (VAR) reported a traffic gain of 87.9 percent year-on-year to 103,316 passengers overall. At Antalya Airport (AYT) on the Turkish Mediterranean coast, traffic increased to 1.0 million passengers in the reporting month (up 23.3 percent year-on-year).
1 The Fraport Traffic Figures for the last ten years are now available in our digital TrafficSheet. You can use this tool to compare various data by different categories.
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