Gamesquare & Vivior: Strong Partnership to Combat Digital Eye Strain and Promote Healthier Gaming
Digital visual stress is a prevalent issue in the gaming scene, yet it has not received enough attention. This is mainly because only individual symptoms are usually focused on, without considering their holistic interaction. Furthermore, objective analysis methods are lacking, making it difficult to determine the individual causes of digital visual stress and coordinate effective counter-strategies.
VIVIOR, a Swiss startup, is closing a significant gap in the gaming industry. It offers a precise analysis instrument that uses advanced sensor technology and artificial intelligence to capture real game environment conditions, based on objective data instead of estimates or gut feeling. The tool accompanies users throughout the day and captures all critical factors objectively. It provides answers to essential questions, such as: How long is the screen viewed, and at what distance? What is the gaming setup in front of the monitor? What is the lighting situation? What is the posture and position of the body, and how does the head move? Lastly, it also measures the UV and blue light exposure for better gaming experience.
Privacy is completely protected throughout the entire use of our product because no images, sounds, or locations are recorded. At the end of the observation period, the recorded measurement data is analyzed by artificial intelligence and evaluated for the user. This analysis provides tangible information about the severity of digital visual stress and the specific factors that trigger it. By making the causes transparent, effective solutions such as holistic visual stress management can be developed.
Collaborating with Gamesquare presents a unique opportunity to develop solutions that are tailored specifically to gamers, with the goal of promoting healthier gaming habits both in the professional and leisure sectors. The aim is to prevent potential long-term consequences associated with excessive screen time and prolonged sitting. Gamesquare Esports Inc., which is partly owned by the Dallas Cowboys, reaches an audience of 290 million people worldwide with its products. "By taking a serious approach to preventing digital visual stress, we demonstrate our commitment to the people who have contributed to Gamesquare’s success," says Dr. Michael Mrochen, Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder of Vivior AG.
Vivior ist ein Schweizer Start-up für digitale Gesundheit, das 2017 von einer Gruppe erfahrener Augenspezialisten gegründet wurde. Das Unternehmen entwickelt ein neuartiges tragbares Gerät, das Daten über das Verhalten von Patienten vor ihrer Sehkorrektur objektiv messen kann. Das System erfasst Informationen über die täglichen Aktivitäten, verarbeitet diese Daten in der Cloud und analysiert mithilfe von Machine-Learning-Algorithmen die Lebensweise der Patienten. Diese bahnbrechende Kombination ermöglicht es Augenärzten, die Bedürfnisse ihrer Patienten besser zu verstehen und ihnen auf diesem Weg optimale, individuelle Lösungen anzubieten.
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