New location in India – Krones.digital is growing internationally
In the meantime, the community has grown to more than 500 employees, spread across offices in the USA, Germany, the Czech Republic and China. Now, another location has been added in Bengaluru, India: Krones Digital Solutions India.
Krones Digital Solutions India
„With the establishment of Krones Digital Solutions India, we have come another step closer to accomplishing the goal expressed in our new corporate vision: “Solutions beyond tomorrow”. That is, to offer solutions that reach further and lead the food and beverage industry into a digital future,” adds Diepold. One of the major projects at Krones in this context is the development of the Line of the Future. "To achieve this goal, it also requires Krones.digital. We are already well positioned, but we always need well-trained IT specialists. Establishing a location in India was therefore an obvious choice, as the country is a global leader in this field.“
“With this vision, the entire Krones Group has committed to driving solutions that make possible a sustainable and thus truly liveable future for us all. Digitalization and automation play a key role in that,” explains Managing Director Suchismita De. “For the people joining the Krones.digital community from in Bengaluru, that means they’re not just doing any old job. They’re playing an active, formative role in a meaningful mission,” she adds.
Krones IT subdivisions bundled in a single unit
The 70-some employees work not only on developing software solutions for customers, but also on Krones’ own internal IT projects, such as securing the IT environment against external attack. "Krones has had a subsidiary in India for over 25 years. In 2013, we set up another IT support department there in order to be able to offer global 24-hour support internally as well. "Bundling Krones‘ IT activities in India was a logical step for us in order to exploit synergies in software development and IT operations, for example," says Holger Blumberg, Head of Information Management.
Der Krones Konzern mit Hauptsitz in Neutraubling, Deutschland, plant, entwickelt und fertigt Maschinen und komplette Anlagen für die Bereiche Prozess-, Abfüll- und Verpackungstechnik. Und auch für das Bottle-to-Bottle Recycling von PET-Flaschen bietet Krones die passende Lösung. Zahlreiche Produkte und Services der Krones Tochtergesellschaften, wie beispielsweise rund um die Digitalisierung, digitale Behälterdekoration, Intralogistik und auch eine eigene Ventilproduktion ergänzen das im House of Krones abgebildete Produktportfolio. Täglich werden Millionen von Flaschen, Dosen und Formbehältern mit Krones Anlagen verarbeitet, vor allem in Brauereien, der Softdrink-Branche sowie bei Wein-, Sekt- und Spirituosenherstellern, aber auch in der Nahrungs- und Genussmittelindustrie sowie der chemischen, pharmazeutischen und kosmetischen Industrie. Weltweit beschäftigt Krones rund 16.300 Mitarbeiter. Der Konzernumsatz 2021 betrug 3,635 Mrd. Euro. Circa 90 Prozent des Umsatzes erzielt Krones im Ausland. Zum Krones Konzern gehören neben der börsennotierten Krones AG mehr als 100 Tochtergesellschaften und Niederlassungen weltweit.
Krones AG
Böhmerwaldstr. 5
93073 Neutraubling
Telefon: +49 (9401) 700
Telefax: +49 (9401) 703323
Press Relations
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E-Mail: peter.moertl@krones.com