
Seeing, understanding, acting – PresseBox expands access to successful features and information.

In the last 20 years, PresseBox has increasingly developed from a specialized press service for technology and industry to a provider of digital solutions for corporate communications. With numerous features, PresseBox not only accompanies its users in their effective public presentation, but also supports the entire corporate strategy in marketing, sales and communication by providing proven expertise, innovative technologies and digital service

The topic of customer acquisition plays a central role, as with all marketing measures. With the PresseLeads feature, PresseBox offers an efficient tool for generating leads via online press work, without additional effort, which are then available to marketing and sales for further use. By identifying the visitors of a news item published in the PresseBox newsroom, the feature provides detailed information on potential commercial prospects and offers various concepts for targeting potential customers. With the WebLeads add-on, PresseBox even goes one step further and integrates domain tracking into the user’s own website.

In order to explain the uncomplicated but effective function even more simply and to demonstrate its advantages to users, PresseBox provides information on PresseLeads, LeadSearch and WebLeads in an easy-to-understand explanatory video. In just five minutes, viewers learn how lead generation as an additional function complements the external presentation of the company’s own newsroom in a promising way and thus additionally increases the benefits of PresseBox by generating a continuous flow of new leads from formerly anonymous traffic.

As a versatile tool for the realization of a communication strategy, PresseBox offers a growing selection of individually usable innovative tools of digital PR. Classic press relations continue to enjoy special attention. For this reason, some particularly popular topics were selected from the rich pool of practical PR knowledge that the PresseBox provides free of charge with the PresseBox blog and regularly published new whitepapers. The result is three retreaded whitepapers on the topics "SEO for beginners", "The perfect press release" and "Finding topics in press relations". The existing whitepapers have been extensively revised and updated in terms of both content and design. As a result, they provide a valuable head start in knowledge for anyone who wants to get to grips with the possibilities and requirements of online press work.

"We consider it our task to make it much easier for companies to get started and become permanently involved in digital PR," explains Filip Jakubicek, CEO of UNITED NEWS NETWORK GmbH, operator of the online press portals PresseBox and lifePR. "With the continuous expansion of our offer, we contribute to their success in marketing and sales. In doing so, we rely above all on a combination of professional know-how and its user-friendly communication with all the means of modern, digital and multimedia communication available to us."

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Lorenzstraße 29
76135 Karlsruhe
Telefon: +49 (721) 987793-0
Telefax: +49 (721) 987793-11

Magdalena Lürwer
Online Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 721 9877930
E-Mail: luerwer@unn-online.de
Susan Herrmann
Online Marketing Manager
Telefon: +4972198779394
E-Mail: herrmann@unn-online.de
Für die oben stehende Story ist allein der jeweils angegebene Herausgeber (siehe Firmenkontakt oben) verantwortlich. Dieser ist in der Regel auch Urheber des Pressetextes, sowie der angehängten Bild-, Ton-, Video-, Medien- und Informationsmaterialien. Die United News Network GmbH übernimmt keine Haftung für die Korrektheit oder Vollständigkeit der dargestellten Meldung. Auch bei Übertragungsfehlern oder anderen Störungen haftet sie nur im Fall von Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit. Die Nutzung von hier archivierten Informationen zur Eigeninformation und redaktionellen Weiterverarbeitung ist in der Regel kostenfrei. Bitte klären Sie vor einer Weiterverwendung urheberrechtliche Fragen mit dem angegebenen Herausgeber. Eine systematische Speicherung dieser Daten sowie die Verwendung auch von Teilen dieses Datenbankwerks sind nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung durch die United News Network GmbH gestattet.
