SEGGER’s SystemView adds heap monitoring
In many cases, memory can be allocated for the lifetime of the application without an issue. The problem occurs when the peak load of the heap increases over time. In such a case, the application is probably leaking memory and will eventually run into trouble. With SystemView’s heap monitor, it is easy to see such changes and where allocations are made, providing clues as to where the leak might be. In addition, SystemView can monitor multiple heaps simultaneously.
“Dynamic storage is becoming more widely used in embedded systems,” says Rolf Segger, founder of SEGGER.
“Engineers used to try and avoid it because of the difficulty in monitoring usage. As is often the case, this SystemView enhancement grew out of customer requests for this feature. With SystemView, monitoring and managing dynamic storage has changed from being something to avoid, to being something manageable.”
For applications using the C or C++ heap, multiple custom heaps, or memory pool objects offered by an RTOS, SystemView can trace how these are used over time. Each block of memory is tagged and this tag is maintained in the SystemView application. This aligns with SEGGER’s philosophy of minimizing target resource requirements as there is minimal added strain on the target.
To test SystemView, simply download and go. Under SEGGER’s Friendly License, SystemView can be downloaded without registration and be used free of charge for educational and non-commercial purposes, as well as evaluated on all platforms without code size, feature, or time limitations.
For more information on SystemView, please visit: www.segger.com/systemview
SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH has three decades of experience in Embedded Systems, producing cutting-edge RTOS and Software Libraries, J-Link and J-Trace debug and trace probes, a line of <a href="https://www.segger.com/products/flasher-in-circuit-programmer/Flasher In-System Programmers and software development tools.
SEGGER’s all-in-one solution emPower OS provides an RTOS plus a complete spectrum of software libraries including communication, security, data compression and storage, user interface software and more. Using emPower OS gives developers a head start, benefiting from decades of experience in the industry.
SEGGER’s professional embedded development software and tools are simple in design, optimized for embedded systems, and support the entire embedded system development process through affordable, high-quality, flexible and easy-to-use tools.
The company was founded by Rolf Segger in 1992, is privately held, and is growing steadily. SEGGER also has a U.S. office in the Boston area and branch operations in Silicon Valley, Shanghai and the UK, plus distributors on most continents, making SEGGER’s full product range available worldwide.
For more information on SEGGER, please visit www.segger.com.
In short, SEGGER has a full set of tools for embedded systems, offers support
through the entire development process, and has decades of experience as the Embedded Experts.
In addition, SEGGER software is not covered by an open-source or required-attribution license and can be integrated in any commercial or proprietary product, without the obligation to disclose the combined source.
Finally, SEGGER offers stability in an often volatile industry, making SEGGER a very reliable partner for long-term relationships.
For additional information please visit: www.segger.com
SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH
Ecolab-Allee 5
40789 Monheim am Rhein
Telefon: +49 (2173) 99312-0
Telefax: +49 (2173) 99312-28
Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (2173) 993120
Fax: +49 (2103) 2878-28
E-Mail: dirk.akemann@segger.com