
Ayla Busch meets President Macron

Emmanuel Macron invited around 200 managing directors of global companies to the fifth “Choose France” summit at the Palace of Versailles in Paris, including Busch Vacuum Solutions co-owner and co-CEO Ayla Busch. Among others, she met the French President and his Minister of Industry, Roland Lescure, for talks. Dr Britta Giesen, head of Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG, which is part of the Busch Group, was also present.

The international investor meeting brings together hundreds of executives from large international companies every year. The summit aims to stimulate international investments in France. It is characterized by direct discussions between leading representatives from business and politics.

Über Busch Vacuum Solutions

Busch Vacuum Solutions is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of vacuum pumps, vacuum systems, blowers and compressors.

The extensive product portfolio includes solutions for vacuum and overpressure applications in all industries, such as chemicals, plastics, semiconductors, medical technology and food. This also includes the design and construction of tailor-made vacuum systems and a worldwide service network.

The Busch Group is a family business that is managed by the Busch family. More than 3,800 employees in more than 69 companies in over 45 countries worldwide work for Busch Vacuum Solutions. Busch is headquartered in Maulburg, Baden-Württemberg, in the border triangle of Germany – France – Switzerland. Apart from Maulburg, Busch manufactures in its own production plants in Switzerland, the USA, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, South Korea, India and China.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Busch Vacuum Solutions
Schauinslandstraße 1
79689 Maulburg
Telefon: +49 (7622) 681-0
Telefax: +49 (7622) 5484

Florian Held
Global Marketing
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