Bulletin from Ferronordic’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023
At Ferronordic’s AGM on 11 May 2023, held at Radisson Blu Strand Hotell, Nybrokajen 9, Stockholm, Thursday 11 May 2023 at 14:00, the shareholders resolved as follows:
- It was resolved to pay a dividend of SEK 7.50 per share. The record date for receiving the dividend is 15 May 2023. Payment will take place around 19 May 2023.
- The Company’s and the Group’s income statements and balance sheets were adopted. The Board members and CEO were discharged from liability for the financial year 2022.
- Annette Brodin Rampe, Lars Corneliusson, Håkan Eriksson, Staffan Jufors, Aurore Belfrage and Niklas Florén were re-elected members of the Board for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.
- Staffan Jufors was re-elected Board chairman.
- Remuneration to the Board in a total amount of SEK 2,400,000 was approved.
- KPMG AB was re-elected auditor. Fees to the auditor are paid as per agreement between the Company and KPMG AB.
- Procedures were adopted regarding the election of the Nomination Committee and its work. The procedures provide, inter alia, that the four largest shareholders shall be invited to nominate members to the nomination committee. No fees are paid to the members of the nomination committee.
- Guidelines for remuneration to senior executives were adopted.
Über die Ferronordic GmbH
Ferronordic is a service and sales company in the areas of construction equipment and trucks. It is dealer of Volvo Trucks, Renault Trucks and Sandvik mobile crushers and screens in Germany and dealer of Volvo Construction Equipment, Sandvik mobile crushers and screens and Mecalac in Kazakhstan. Ferronordic began its operations in 2010 and currently has 28 outlets and approx. 450 employees. Ferronordic’s vision is to be the leading service and sales company in its markets. The shares in Ferronordic AB (publ) are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Ferronordic GmbH
Zum Laurenburger Hof 76
60549 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (69) 353571950
Erik Danemar
Telefon: +46 (73) 66072-31
E-Mail: erik.danemar@ferronordic.com
Telefon: +46 (73) 66072-31
E-Mail: erik.danemar@ferronordic.com
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