Impact of Digitalization on Corporate Responsibility and ESG
- Comprehensive Whitepaper: "ESG & Corporate Responsibility – Sustainability in Companies and the Impact of Digitalization"
- Arvato Systems and Lünendonk provide overview of various dimensions of corporate responsibility and ESG
What role do IT and digitalization play in the implementation of sustainability strategies? What are key drivers for greater sustainability? What challenges do companies face and how do they address them? In their white paper, IT specialist Arvato Systems and B2B analysts from Lünendonk & Hossenfelder discuss various aspects of "Environmental, Social and Governance," provide background information and show how companies in different industries are currently positioned.
Sustainability, corporate (social) responsibility and ESG – topics that are increasingly becoming the focus of companies. Information technology and digitization play a dual role in this context: On the one hand, the operation of data centers requires large amounts of energy, and hardware production also generates CO2 emissions. On the other hand, digital technologies offer a wide range of opportunities to enable greater efficiency and save resources.
In addition to environmental and climate aspects, the topic of corporate responsibility also involves social factors and fundamental behavioral guidelines. This is as much about a modern corporate culture, diversity and equality as it is about the wider social impact of corporate activity.
However, the fact that all these topics are becoming increasingly important for companies is also due to external drivers. Corporate responsibility in practice is increasingly becoming an important selection criterion for talent. And new regulations such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) or the German Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act, LkSG) are setting concrete requirements for companies and thus increasing the pressure to take concrete action, also by law.
"At Arvato Systems, CR and ESG issues have been playing an important role for a long time. That is why we have supported this white paper intensively from the very beginning," says Jochen Fuchs, Chief Human Resources Officer & Group General Counsel at Arvato Systems. "In our company, we are currently focusing on three areas in particular: Climate and Environment, Diversity, and AI and Ethics. We are convinced that, for example, by improving our CO? footprint, reviewing our approach to AI on the basis of clear guidelines, and specifically promoting diversity, this will make us more productive as a company and create an environment in which our employees can grow. The above-mentioned focus topics are embedded in a comprehensive CR strategy that includes many other topics. We are very aware of our social and environmental responsibility at Arvato Systems and are actively shaping this together with our employees – for a successful, joint future."
In the new whitepaper "ESG & Corporate Responsibility – Sustainability in Companies and the Impact of Digitalization", Lünendonk & Hossenfelder and Arvato Systems provide an overview of the various dimensions of corporate responsibility and show what influence digitalization has on corporate sustainability. Specific topics covered include:
* ESG and sustainability at the top of the CXO agenda
* Drivers for greater sustainability
* Impact of digitization on environmental footprint and climate protection
* Status quo on environmental sustainability in enterprises and IT departments
* Challenges in implementing sustainability goals
* Role of IT service providers in achieving sustainability goals
The complete white paper can be downloaded free of charge from the Arvato Systems website at arvato-systems.de/CR (German language).
Global IT specialist Arvato Systems supports major companies in Digital Transformation. About 3,300 staff in over 25 locations stand for in-depth technology expertise, industry knowledge, and focus on customer requirements. Working as a team, we develop innovative IT solutions, transition our clients into the Cloud, integrate digital processes, and take on IT systems operation and support. As a part of the Bertelsmann-owned Arvato network, we have the unique capability to work across the entire value chain. Through our strong strategic partner network with global top players such as AWS, Google, Microsoft, and SAP, we continuously strengthen our know-how and leverage the most advanced technology. We Empower Digital Leaders. www.arvato-systems.com
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