SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES reports preliminary key financial figures for the 1st quarter 2023
Revenues were below budget in the period under review due to scarce resources such as delayed deliveries of materials and prefabricated parts for major projects. SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES expects the supply chain situation to ease over the course of the year.
Annual reports 2020 and 2021 published, annual report 2022 expected for August 31, 2023
On April 6, 2023, KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Frankfurt ("KPMG"), issued SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES with the audit certificates with an unqualified audit opinion for the annual financial statements of the business years 2020 and 2021. After the issuance of the auditor’s certificates the two annual financial statements were adopted in a meeting of the Supervisory Board and published on the company’s website on April 20, 2023.
The KPMG, which has been entrusted with the audit of the annual financial statements so far, must hand over the mandate after the completion of the tenth audit year. SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES will appoint a new auditing company to take over the audit of the annual financial statements 2022 in the short term. The delayed publication of the annual financial reports for the business years 2020 and 2021 prevent a timely publication of the annual financial report 2022. On April 25, 2023, SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES announced August 31, 2023, as the date of publication.
Invitation to the second creditors‘ meeting on May 30, 2023
As expected, the vote without a meeting scheduled at the beginning of May pursuant to Art. 18 and Art. 5 et seq. SchVG was not quorate as the required quorum of 50 % of the outstanding bonds (Art. 15 Para. 3 Sentence 1 SchVG) was not reached.
The Executive Board is in close contact with one of the largest bondholders and therefore assumes, among other things, that the quorum of 25% of the outstanding bonds will be reached at the second bondholders‘ meeting on May 30, 2023.
Overview of key financial figures Q1- 2023 (preliminary and unaudited)
Thin-Film Technology and Surface Treatment
SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES develops and builds innovative machines and equipment for efficient production processes in thin-film technology and surface treatment, which are utilized world-wide in the markets of photovoltaics, semiconductors, medical technology, packaging, glass & automotive as well as batteries & hydrogen. The company’s core competencies include processes of coating technology, surface treatment as well as wet-chemical and thermal production processes. SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES views sustainability as an opportunity to position itself with innovative products.
In the focus are:
• environmental awareness
• efficient use of resources
• avoidance of unnecessary CO2 pollution.
Responsible and sustainable corporate governance is very important to SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES.
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