Dormer Pramet starts construction on new inserts production hall
Dormer Pramet is expanding its Šumperk, Czech Republic, manufacturing facility, with a new 4,500 sqm. building, scheduled for completion in 2024.The global cutting tool manufacturer announced the new hall in 2022 and began preparation of the construction grounds ahead of the next phase of development. Sandvik president Stefan Widing, along with Sandvik Machining Solutions president, Nadine Crauwels, and Dormer Pramet president Eduardo Martin visited the site and tapped the ground stone in November 2022.Now construction work on the new hall has started. It will significantly increase Dormer Pramet’s production of indexable cutting tools, with the first inserts delivered from the new hall by the end of 2024.The latest visualizations of the new hall have been released, with the site adjacent to the company’s existing production facility. Once built, it will become home to the company’s pressing and sintering departments. Their relocation to the new hall will free up space in the current premises. Through a combination of new technologies, together with additional machine investments within existing halls, the expansion will lead to an increase of inserts production capacity by more than 50%. This will support Dormer Pramet’s planned sales growth in the coming years, helping customers around the world to have access to a wide range of indexable cutting tools for various industries.
For more information visit
The latest computer-generated images of the new hall in Šumperk.
Video 1 – Outside view: https://youtu.be/VAnR2miZ86cVideo
2 – Inside view: https://youtu.be/… webcam: https://dormerpramet.panomax.com/sumperk
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Dormer Pramet
Am Weichselgarten 34
91058 Erlangen
Telefon: +49 (9131) 933087-0
Telefax: +49 (9131) 933087-42
Steve Hutton
Telefon: +44 1246571333
Fax: +44 8708508866
E-Mail: steve.hutton@dormerpramet.com
Telefon: +44 1246571333
Fax: +44 8708508866
E-Mail: steve.hutton@dormerpramet.com
Telefon: +34 (627) 975-208
E-Mail: m.scodeller@mepax.com
Telefon: +34 (627) 975-208
E-Mail: m.scodeller@mepax.com
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