ErgoBloc L is the centerpiece of Volvic’s new line
The arrival of the innovative ErgoBloc technology is a turning point for Volvic’s parent company, Danone, in Europe. It reflects an investment plan aiming to maintain a high level of competitiveness in the bottled water markets. “In order to anticipate future challenges in terms of energy and space savings, as well as bottle lightening and the use of recycled materials, we selected the Krones ErgoBloc L. Based on the joint experience we’ve already gained over the past eight years with the Danone group at several sites in Southeast Asia, the ErgoBloc L solution clearly emerged as the most sustainable one," explains Bruno Perrier, Engineering Manager at Volvic. The order is for a package of five wet-end blocks from Krones, four of which will go to France and one to Spain. With them, Danone is driving its vision of upgrading the company’s water production in Europe across the board with improved technology and, at the same time, deepening its successful partnership with Krones.
Record speed: 75,000 square bottles per hour
The first ErgoBloc L in Volvic, France, is already in operation, filling the still water brand Volvic eau minérale naturelle at 56,000 square 1.5-liter rPET containers per hour. Now, the second Krones wet-end block is nearly ready to go online. It will fill the natural mineral water in square 0.5-liter bottles made of 100 percent rPET – at a record speed of 75,000 containers per hour. The block is likewise equipped to change over to 1.5-liter bottles, which it can process at 56,000 containers per hour.
The ErgoBloc L is the heart of the line
Volvic opted for the wet-end block from Krones because the combination of the Contiform 3 Speed blow molder, the Modulfill VFJ filler, and the Ergomodul labeler makes high-speed labeling possible. The process was specifically tested for Volvic bottles in advance of the order because, unlike on most square bottles, the Volvic bottle’s label area is not cylindrical but rather square-shaped, just like the rest of the bottle. And that presents a particular challenge when it comes to labeling.
This second ErgoBloc L is slated to go into operation in spring 2023 and thus help bring the French beverage maker another step closer to its goal of upgrading its water production in Europe.
Der Krones Konzern mit Hauptsitz in Neutraubling, Deutschland, plant, entwickelt und fertigt Maschinen und komplette Anlagen für die Bereiche Prozess-, Abfüll- und Verpackungstechnik. Und auch für das Bottle-to-Bottle Recycling von PET-Flaschen bietet Krones die passende Lösung. Zahlreiche Produkte und Services der Krones Tochtergesellschaften, wie beispielsweise rund um die Digitalisierung, digitale Behälterdekoration, Intralogistik und auch eine eigene Ventilproduktion ergänzen das im House of Krones abgebildete Produktportfolio. Täglich werden Millionen von Flaschen, Dosen und Formbehältern mit Krones Anlagen verarbeitet, vor allem in Brauereien, der Softdrink-Branche sowie bei Wein-, Sekt- und Spirituosenherstellern, aber auch in der Nahrungs- und Genussmittelindustrie sowie der chemischen, pharmazeutischen und kosmetischen Industrie. Weltweit beschäftigt Krones rund 17.200 Mitarbeitende. Der Konzernumsatz 2022 betrug 4,209 Mrd. Euro. Circa 90 Prozent des Umsatzes erzielt Krones im Ausland. Zum Krones Konzern gehören neben der börsennotierten Krones AG mehr als 100 Tochtergesellschaften und Niederlassungen weltweit.
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