Protelion and TBS 96 Partner to Bring Innovative Cybersecurity Solutions to Albania and Kosovo
The rapid pace of digitalization has changed how we think about information security. In the past, security was focused on protecting office networks and data centers. However, users and devices are distributed across multiple locations in the digitally connected world. This requires a new approach to security that can protect data wherever it is. Protelion’s cyber solutions are architected to address this challenge. They combine protection, flexibility, and performance with a unique approach that provides true end-to-end encryption of all traffic. This makes Protelion’s solutions the ultimate defense against cyber threats, and absolute protection from Man-in-the-Middle attacks.
“We are excited to be partner with tbs 96 ltd to bring our innovative cybersecurity solutions to Albania and Kosovo. Tbs 96 ltd is a trusted system integrator in these countries, and we are confident that together we can help businesses and governments protect their data and systems from cyber threats", said Josef Waclaw, CEO of Protelion.
“We strongly believe that this new partnership will bring great opportunities to our companies. We are pleased to be the distributor of your innovative cybersecurity solutions in Albania and Kosovo,” said Artan Xhori, CEO of tbs 96.
About tbs 96 ltd
For more than 30 years, tbs 96 ltd is a distributor and exclusive representative of many well-known international companies in telecommunication, cybersecurity and defense. Their goal has been to develop and maintain long-term business relationships with customers and partners as well. Due to its commitment to deliver reliable and innovative systems and solutions, tbs 96 ltd has signed important distributor agreements with many companies worldwide. More information: https://tbs96.com/
Protelion understood the need to redefine security. Its Security Platform combines greater security, flexibility, and performance by seamlessly protecting multi-faceted and distributed networks.
Protelion solutions support network segmentation; Clients can quickly and effectively secure their existing legacy systems by overlaying Protelion’s solutions to achieve significant security improvement with minimal disruption. More information: https://bit.ly/43uvEd8
Protelion GmbH
Oberwallstr. 24
10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 2064366-0
Telefax: +49 (30) 2064366-66
Telefon: +355 42253167
E-Mail: tbs96@tbs96.com