Dynamic Spirit of Innovation: 2nd MPS World Summit in Berlin
The conference started with a very successful Educational Workshop where VITROCELL explained the exposure to the AlveoliX AX12 lung-on-chip using the exposure system Cloud Alpha AlveoliX AX12.
Clémentine Richter from the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany presented her poster on alveolar inflammation illustrating human drug response using the Cloud Alpha AlveoliX AX12 (See Poster)
The exhibition gave an excellent overview on all current technologies. As a conclusion, VITROCELL Systems GmbH and AlveoliX AG have a definite leading position in turnkey lung-on-chip solutions for direct and controlled Aerosol Exposure at the Air/Liquid Interface.
Advanced solutions for cell exposure to airborne substances.
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