MoovIT and MoovIT Software Products become part of the Avemio Group
MoovIT is a systems integrator specialising in broadcast IT solutions, with a focus on software development and consultancy on the optimisation and automation of video workflows. Together, the two MoovIT companies generated revenues of more than 6 million euros in the 2022 financial year.
The transaction, which primarily took the form of an exchange of shares, represents and reflects the collaboration and growth of the companies involved, and arises from a 10-year partnership between Teltec AG – a subsidiary of Avemio AG – and MoovIT GmbH. Since 2013, MoovIT has been operating the Teltec branch office via an agency model, at its company headquarters in Cologne, Germany.
In the future, Avemio AG will build its operations on the pillars of trade and system integration
The trading division of Avemio AG comprises Teltec AG, with its subsidiaries VDH Video Data Handels GmbH, VDT Video Data Technik GmbH, BPM Broadcast & Professional Media GmbH, and VCT Videocation Creative Tools GmbH, as well as the recently acquired PVP Sp. z o.o. in Poland. Teltec, together with its affiliated companies, is the trading partner with the highest revenues for professional film and television technology in German-speaking Europe.
For Ralf P. Pfeffer, Chairman and CEO of Avemio AG and Teltec AG, this merger is a logical evolution of the successful collaboration between the companies. At the same time, it reflects the fact that the different segments of the ever-expanding video market are growing closer together. As Pfeffer comments, “With this special combination of trading strength and IT expertise, our market presence is unique. This will give a particular boost to our internationalisation efforts.”
Alongside its trade operations, Avemio AG’s acquisition of MoovIT and MoovIT Software Products (MSP) will allow it to establish a second pillar in the field of technology, where there is great potential for growth. In the future, MoovIT’s task will be to expand and coordinate its activities in software development, video IT system integration and the development of new technologies. In the dynamic and increasingly digitised international media marketplace, the aim is to deliver products and workflows that can meet the complex and diverse needs of customers ranging from video production enterprises to broadcasters, sports companies, and enterprises of all shapes and sizes.
Blazing new trails – but keeping continuity
For Wolfgang Felix, Jan Fröhling, Rafael Hutter, Katja Meyer and Tobias Trumpfheller – the founding members and prior shareholders of the MoovIT companies – the decision was a logical one. As Wolfgang Felix explains, “We are joining Avemio AG and are selling our MoovIT company shares in exchange for Avemio shares, to contribute our experience and strengths to a media technology group, and to help shape the future. This will create entirely new opportunities for us in this environment, and we see enormous growth potential.”
His colleague, Tobias Trumpfheller, adds, “It was crucial for us that we could retain our independence and the MoovIT DNA. Since we founded MoovIT in 2012, we have recognised the signs of the times, and brought the worlds of broadcasting and IT closer together with our solutions. We have always been ready to break new ground; now with Avemio, we can take this philosophy to the next level. And there will even be new tasks to tackle.”
For Katja Meyer, the general conditions were an important factor: “All of our employees will retain their tasks and positions – and the business areas and responsibilities of the managing directors at MoovIT and MSP will not change, either. This will ensure maximum continuity, both internally and externally. With this takeover, we are achieving stability and security for our future together – and of course, this is also based on trust. Thanks to our close collaboration with Teltec in recent years, this trust is very well founded.”
With a view towards customers, Jan Fröhling emphasises, “We work on many challenging projects with great customers, who always give us new creative impetus. This often results in new products and system solutions. We believe that being part of a larger corporate network will allow us to master and shape the challenges of the future – more quickly and more sustainably.”
As Rafael Hutter concludes, “This step was necessary and makes sense, as it will further strengthen our market leadership in software development and system integration across the media industry. We are now in an even better position to initiate new developments, with AI also playing an increasingly significant role. Together with MSP and its managing directors David Merzenich and Hans Douma, we will offer and expand a broad portfolio of software products and services. Important business areas at MoovIT and MSP include the development of products and tools such as Helmut, TitleTool and Vulcano, plus our customised software solutions, cloud technologies, support, and system integration offerings. Both MoovIT companies have very successful partnerships with our technology partners such as Adobe, EditShare and Arvato, which will continue to exist.”
Targeting international markets
Having acquired the MoovIT companies, Avemio has significantly expanded its service portfolio. In addition to the successful trade organisation, the enterprise has strengthened its technical services to include software development and system integration expertise. Summarising Avemio’s future ambitions, Ralf Pfeffer remarks: “The strategic reorientation of Avemio will continue to evolve in collaboration with our partners and investors. Digitisation is gaining momentum across the world of media, with networked systems and collaborative structures across all industries and continents. Avemio wants to be a strong, reliable technology partner for all filmmakers.”
About Avemio AG and Teltec AG
Avemio AG, together with its wholly owned subsidiary Teltec AG, is the commercial trading group with the highest revenues for professional film and television technology in German-speaking Europe. The Avemio Group trades in professional film and television equipment, plus associated consumables and accessories. Its offerings also encompass consultancy services and technical support for complete production, post-production and broadcasting systems. Teltec AG holds 100% of the shares in the companies VCT Videocation Creative Tools GmbH, VDH Video Data Handels GmbH, VDT Video Data Technik GmbH, BPM Broadcast & Professional Media GmbH, and Janusz Rupik Professionelle Videotechnik Polska Sp. z o.o.
MoovIT provides video and IT solutions for broadcasters and organisations of all shapes and sizes.
The company, headquartered in the Schanzenviertel district of Cologne, specialises in the development and support of workflows for all aspects of post-production, news and archiving at the interface between video and IT. MoovIT is a professional partner for all aspects of optimising and automating video project management. In particular, the company continuously develops new software solutions for collaborative video editing that are tailored to the needs of customers in large production environments, such as for sports events coverage. In addition, MoovIT offers innovative solutions for web-based video localisation, remote editing and video hosting, and cloud services.
MoovIT Software Products (MSP) develops and markets Helmut, MoovIT’s project management software.
MoovIT’s customers include broadcasters, production companies, sport event organisers, agencies, and enterprises from a wide range of backgrounds. MoovIT offers worldwide support, managed services, software, hardware and integration solutions that accelerate and streamline processes – in other words, ‘WORKFLOW IN THE FLOW’.
MoovIT GmbH
Schanzenstr. 29
51063 Köln
Telefon: +49 (221) 30200210
Telefax: +49 (221) 30200299
E-Mail: a.dennert@moovit.de
E-Mail: h.gante@moovit.de