
Cost calculation in real time

TRUMPF spin-off Optimate is consist-ently developing its solution for AI-supported feasibility analysis and part optimization: the cloud-based software, which can be used both as an App and CAD plug-in, now has an integrated cost calcu-lation. Job shoppers and OEMs who produce and design sheet metal based products now only need one click to calculate the costs of their parts.

With the Optimate App, product designers and sheet metal processing companies can identify defective parts in advance and adjust them if necessary, even before they enter production. In addition to analyzing individual parts, assemblies with up to 25 individual parts can also be checked for feasibility and optimization potential.

So far, the App has given a percentage indication of the potential savings of the optimized design compared to the existing variant. This was al-ready a good indicator to determine the changed production costs. Re-garding the individual manufacturing costs, the indicator held potential for optimization of the product.

‘With the introduction of the integrated cost calculation, this is now even easier and more precise’, emphasizes Jonas Steiling, CEO at Optimate. ‘Our users receive the specific price for their sheet metal parts at the push of a button.’

Identify cost drivers within seconds

The calculated sum is based on the contributing cost factors for material, scrap and the manufacturing process, i.e. the complete sheet metal pro-cessing from laser cutting to bending and welding. ‘When considering the overall costs, it must of course be taken into account that not only the material used is decisive, but also the design and the process steps required for it’, specifies Jonas Steiling. ‘Users can rely on our concen-trated sheet metal knowledge here: all cost parameters are based on the specific know-how of our parent company TRUMPF, which has grown over decades.’

In addition to the material costs, costs for scrap, set-up, and production times as well as machine hourly rates are also included. Based on the classification, companies in sheet metal processing can then break down the costs for the detailed product processing steps. Once the cost drivers have been identified, optimization potential can be derived from this in-formation.

Customer profile for precise cost measurements

Users can also create their own profile in the Optimate App. The infor-mation stored with respect to machinery and tools is then also used for optimization and individual cost calculation. With highly precise data en-tries for machines, production processes and materials, the results for design and costs will be even more accurate.

Cross-departmental cost transparency

Such cost forecasts then benefit not only the designers themselves, who can identify possible cost drivers already in the development process, but also other areas, such as purchasing, controlling and cost calculation for sales.

This makes it easy for buyers and job shoppers to calculate the costs of sheet metal parts online. In the blink of an eye, the sales department can create suitable offers for even the smallest series or individual parts in a timely manner and without much effort.

‘The benefits range from accelerated development processes and long-term planning, reliability in production to solid price and quotation calcu-lation – and all that in a matter of seconds’, Optimate CEO Jonas Steiling concludes by referring to the ‘Konstruktionsleiterforum’ on 19 October in Wuerzburg. Optimate will present its new feature to a wider professional audience for the first time. ‘We are excited about the response and are already looking forward to many interesting discussions on the topic of digitalization in sheet metal processing.’

Über die Optimate GmbH

Founded in mid-2020 as a start-up based in Stuttgart, Optimate GmbH originated from an internal innovation program at TRUMPF. The founders contribute years of experi-ence in sheet metal processing and have incorporated this expertise into an advanced digital solution for part analysis and optimization. In addition to manufacturers and job shoppers, web shops and marketplaces use the cloud solution for the analysis and optimization of sheet metal parts as well. More about Optimate at:

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Optimate GmbH
Lautenschlagerstraße 16
70173 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (176) 47663967

Julia Kleindienst
Marketing & Sales Specialist
Telefon: +49 (157) 50102773
Ralf M. Haaßengier
PRX Agentur für Public Relations GmbH
Telefon: +49 (711) 71899-03
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