How can climate-neutral real estate be developed?
The real-estate sector is responsible for around 36% of primary energy consumption and 37% of greenhouse-gas emissions. In order to achieve the target of 1.5 °C set in the Paris Agreement by 2050 and to reduce global carbon emissions, decarbonisation must become the focal point of both real-estate development and construction.
The analysis of real estate development projects has demonstrated that the key levers for decarbonisation are to be found in the early planning phase, starting with the choice of location. If the location’s conditions are unsuited to renewable energies, it is much more difficult to achieve net-zero emissions. Building parameters established at an early stage such as shape, compactness, orientation, basements and support structure also have a significant impact on the emissions targets.
“With the right combination of location, design, the use of renewable energies, intelligent systems and environmentally friendly materials, we develop buildings in which future generations can live and work sustainably”, said Marc Lyon, Head Real Estate Development Switzerland at Implenia.
You can find the full white paper attached or download it at:
As Switzerland’s leading construction and real estate service provider, Implenia develops, builds and manages homes, workplaces and infrastructure for future generations in Switzerland and Germany. It also offers tunnelling and related infrastructure projects in further markets. Formed in 2006, the company can look back on around 150 years of construction tradition. The company brings together the know-how of its highly skilled development, planning and execution units under the umbrella of an integrated leading multinational construction and real estate service provider. With its broad offering and the expertise of its specialists, the Group realises large, complex projects and provides client-centric support across the entire life cycle of a building or structure. It focuses on client needs and on striking a sustainable balance between commercial success and social and environmental responsibility. Implenia, with its headquarters in Opfikon near Zurich, has more than 9,000 employees (FTE) across Europe and posted revenue of CHF 3.6 billion in 2022. The company is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (IMPN, CH0023868554). More information can be found at
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