Into the green future together: Dillinger and Saarstahl welcome 220 apprentices
Exciting challenges await the new apprentices, who now have the chance to help craft the megaproject of transforming the steel industry for the production of carbon-reduced steel. “The start of an apprenticeship is a special experience for young people. And we as a company are proud to offer 220 students the opportunity to receive excellent vocational training. They will become part of the Pure Steel family that will accomplish a historic mission. They will be optimally prepared for this in the training workstations and will be involved in all the necessary processes right from the start,” explains Stefan Rauber, Chairman of the Board of Management of Dillinger and Saarstahl and Chairman of the Board of Management of SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar.
Dillinger and Saarstahl have been relying on their own junior staff for years and, as the largest job-training workplace in the region, guarantee high-quality training close to the homes of their employees.
“An important aspect of our training is fostering individual talents and interests,” said Cornelis Wendler, Head of Education and Human Resources Development at SHS. “We are also systematically preparing young people for the new tasks that technological transformation will bring.”
Saarstahl and Dillinger provide needs-based training and usually hire the young recruits after they have successfully completed their training. They can choose between 18 technical and trade or commercial professions.
At Saarstahl, 99 of the total 109 apprentices (including 5 young women) in 2023 have chosen technical and trade professions and 10 are pursuing commercial careers. At Dillinger, out of a total 111 apprentices (including 15 women), 107 are starting in technical and trade professions and 4 in the commercial area.
As part of the training partnership program, 26 young people from other companies are also completing training at Saarstahl and Dillinger. The companies together also offer 18 internships as part of the one-year basic vocational training program.
On their first day at the company, the young recruits were welcomed by the steelmaking family, the Chairman of the Board of Management Stefan Rauber, the training team, the Works Council and the youth representatives, at the Lokschuppen, a former locomotive shed in Dillingen.
After being welcomed, the young career starters begin with “onboarding days,” where the focus is on team building. Cohesion is promoted right from the start through various activities and workshops and the apprentices learn to rely on each other and to successfully manage challenges together.
About our training:
Following their apprenticeships, the apprentices receive the opportunity to enhance their job skills with additional qualifications in the area of Industry 4.0, including programming, IT security or additive manufacturing.
Extensive information on training opportunities at Dillinger and Saarstahl can be found on the website www.boost-your-talent.com.
Dillinger is a world leader in the manufacture of steel heavy plate for the steel construction, machine manufacturing, offshore, offshore wind power and line pipe sectors. Saarstahl is a world leader in the manufacture of wire rod and bar steel for the automotive industry, the construction industry and for general machine manufacturing. Dillinger and Saarstahl belong to SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar. More information can be found at www.dillinger.de or www.saarstahl.de
SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar GmbH&Co.KGaA
Work Werkstraße 1
66763 Dillingen/Saar
Telefon: +49 (6831) 47-0
Telefax: +49 (6831) 47-4209
SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar
Telefon: +49 (6898) 10-2234
E-Mail: juliane.wernet@stahl-holding-saar.de
Telefon: +49 (6898) 10-2211
E-Mail: martin.reinicke@stahl-holding-saar.de