
proMX joins 2023/2024 Inner Circle for Microsoft Business Applications

For the fifth time, Microsoft has welcomed proMX, a leading partner for Dynamics 365 and Dynamics 365 Project Operations in particular, into its prestigious Inner Circle for Microsoft Business Applications.

The membership celebrates proMX’s achievements in sales in the past year, the implementation of high standard solutions that drive digital transformation, business success, and customer dedication. These solutions include Microsoft technologies as well as proMX’s own products that it has developed as an ISV. They complement Dynamics 365 with additional such as project portfolio management (PPM), enhanced time tracking, and more (see project with Deutsche Bahn).

The Inner Circle poses an exclusive opportunity for partners to connect with Microsoft itself, and with the Microsoft partner community to exchange insights, and learn new skills. The close collaboration with Microsoft and their recognition of proMX as one of their strategic partners gives access to first-hand knowledge – often before its general availability. It also provides proMX with all resources it needs to support its team in delivering excellent products and services to clients.

“The whole team at proMX has been incredibly committed, and worked hard on delivering customer success and satisfaction, which has paid off by securing us a place in the Inner Circle. We look forward to continuing to work closely with Microsoft, and we’re excited for the future,” says Peter Linke, CEO of proMX.

proMX and Microsoft: stronger together

The last time proMX was welcomed into Microsoft’s Inner Circle was one year ago. A lot has happened since then:

The last time proMX was welcomed into Microsoft’s Inner Circle was one year ago. A lot has happened since then:

  • As leading experts, proMX now helps customers of Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation upgrade to its successor solution Project Operations with our latest service.
  • The company has strengthened its relationship with Microsoft and built upon its expertise by hosting a variety of exciting online events, which can all be found on the official proMX YouTube channel, a great and free resource if you’re looking for first-hand expertise and insights!
  • It has extended its global reach from Germany, the US and India by opening two new branches in the UK and Canada.
  • proMX has been recognized for its business success and its commitment to establishing a strong corporate culture with the Top 100 award for being a top innovator, and placing among Bavaria’s Best 50.
  • The company continues pushing forward its sustainability efforts, and has helped develop a blueprint for sustainable business operations.

For many years, proMX has been committed to helping businesses of all sizes with a combination of Microsoft technologies and its own product portfolio, supporting them throughout the entire journey of consultation, implementation, and support.

Über proMX

Founded in 2000, Nuremberg-based proMX assists businesses with their digital transformation, cloud migration projects and the realization of agile organizational structures. Beyond its German headquarter, the company operates in the US, India, the UK, and – since 2023 – in Canada. proMX is renowned for its knowhow regarding the cloud business software Dynamics 365, for which it also develops compatible apps and add-ons, as well as its extensive Dynamics 365 Project Operations know-how and an inclusive and international team of experts.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Kleinreuther Weg 87
90408 Nürnberg
Telefon: +49 (911) 81523-0
Telefax: +49 (911) 239804-20

Peter Linke
Telefon: +49 (911) 81523-0
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