
iDTRONIC Launches Innovative Embedded UHF Modules M630 and M670

iDTRONIC, a leading innovator in RFID technology, proudly unveils its latest additions to the UHF product line: the Embedded UHF Modules M630 and M670. These state-of-the-art modules are designed with the next-generation Impinj E310 and E710 RAIN RFID reader chips, marking iDTRONIC as one of the early adopters of these groundbreaking chips.

Embedded UHF Module M630

The M630 is a premier entry-level module, engineered with the cutting-edge Impinj E310 chip. It promises to deliver an impressive UHF RFID performance with two antenna ports. This adaptable module offers an output power peaking at 26 dBm and a sensitivity level of -73 dBm, allowing for readings spanning up to 4 meters. With its capability to register up to 300 tags in merely a second, the M630 stands as an optimal choice for various short to medium range applications. Moreover, this module is affordably priced and adheres to the standards of both the EU and US regions.

Embedded UHF Module M670

Tailored for those seeking superior performance, the M670 comes equipped with an impressive output power of 33 dBm and an unmatched sensitivity of -87 dBm. Accommodating 8 antenna ports, its utility is optimal for both long-range and near-field applications, particularly for shelf tracking solutions.

This module has the potential to achieve reading ranges extending up to 12 meters (although the range can differ based on various factors). Integrated with the potent Impinj E710 chip, the M670 can effortlessly scan up to 900 tags within a second.

M630 & M670

To cater to a global clientele, both M630 and M670 guarantee smooth operation in European and American terrains. Plus, for those aiming to fine-tune their applications, an easily navigable software development kit is included with both modules.

iDTRONIC is excited to roll out these innovative solutions and looks forward to the transformative impact they will have on the RFID industry.

More Information about Embedded UHF Modules M630 & M670

Product Website: M630: M630 – iDTRONIC Professional RFID (idtronic-rfid.com)

                              M670: M670 – iDTRONIC Professional RFID (idtronic-rfid.com)

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67059 Ludwigshafen am Rhein
Telefon: +49 (621) 6690094-0
Telefax: +49 (621) 669009-49

Patrick Kochendörfer
Telefon: +49 (621) 6690094-21
E-Mail: patrick.kochendoerfer@idtronic.de
Thomas Pollad
Marketing & Presse
Telefon: +49 621 6690094-11
E-Mail: thomas.pollad@idtronic.de
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