Online Print Symposium 2024: Join the AI-Powered Print Revolution
The defining topics in 2024 are already emerging today: AI in real-world applications in the print environment, new AI-driven business areas, intelligent cooperation networks, smart applications that combine print and digital and new applications in the field of mass customisation will dominate the OPS 2024.
Trend topics: Onlineprint in times of change
A lot is going to change in onlineprint: as Jörg Schieb said in his closing keynote at the anniversary OPS, artificial intelligence is the greatest innovation since the invention of the printing press – and this will also be experienced on the stage of the Online Print Symposium 2024!
But not only artificial intelligence in onlineprint with all its opportunities and risks will be a focus topic. Digital commerce, mass customisation, digital transformation and web-to-print are more relevant than ever and will also be addressed by the top-class speakers. Of course, the popular Insight Pitches will not be missing at the 11th edition of the OPS. Once again, innovative start-ups will present themselves to the audience – as always, who they are will be announced shortly before the event.
Every year, managing directors and decision-makers from leading companies take advantage of the many opportunities for networking and making contacts that the OPS offers. The varied programme, the supporting events with the Insider Get-Together and the Networking Dinner and the unique atmosphere make the OPS a special industry get-together every year. The Online Print Symposium is organised by zipcon consulting GmbH and Verband Druck und Medien Beratung GmbH.
„OPS goes global“
Not only onlineprint is undergoing rapid development, the OPS also has exciting innovations to offer: Since more and more international guests are coming to the leading event of the onlineprint industry, the main language will be English from now on. But as always, simultaneous interpreters will be on site so that every participant can follow the presentations in their preferred language.
But that was not all: a unique community has formed around the OPS, which also wants to be in contact with each other during the year. With a brand new online community platform, the organisers are now offering all participants the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of a well-connected OPS community all year round. In the new OPS community, which can only be joined by purchasing a ticket, exclusive benefits, access to the speakers‘ presentations and much more await. In addition, a great wish of previous participants will come true: Anyone who indicates when buying a ticket that they want to join the new community will be able to network, exchange ideas and much more directly with all other participants, partners and speakers there.
Co-organiser Bernd Zipper, Managing Director of zipcon consulting, is already looking forward to the 11th OPS: "We have come up with a lot of ideas to constantly develop the OPS and make it even more interactive. The innovations in the areas of internationalisation and community will bring even more benefits to our participants and I am already looking forward to the feedback! But don’t worry: We won’t leave anyone behind – in other words, even though we are opening up internationally and the leading language will be English, networking and personal exchange will still be the focus."
Ticket and partner bookings available
Ticket and partner bookings are now open at early bird prices. Tickets can be purchased easily via the website: https://online-print-symposium.de/en/registration/ For partner bookings, interested companies can contact Sandra Bellof at sb@zipcon.de for more information and the booking form.
New from now on are the "Supporter Tickets", which are available in the same period as the Early Bird Tickets. For a package price of 6,000 €, the all-round carefree package includes four OPS tickets incl. accommodation and breakfast for 4 people and 2 nights as well as various other benefits. The presence of your company logo on the web, app, social media and printed materials of the OPS as well as preferred seating are just a few of the benefits for supporters.
The latest information on the Online Print Symposium is available here: https://online-print-symposium.de/en/
The organisers
The German Printing and Media Industries Federation (Bundesverband Druck und Medien e.V. / bvdm) is the central association of the German printing industry. As an employers‘ association, political trade association and technical trade association, it represents the positions and objectives of the printing industry vis-à-vis politics, administration, trade unions and the supplier industry. The bvdm is supported by eight regional associations. It is organized internationally through its membership of Intergraf and FESPA. www.bvdm-online.de
zipcon consulting GmbH is a global consulting company for the communications, print and media industry with a focus on onlineprint and digital transformation. The company sees itself as an independent and holistic technology and strategy consultant. zipcon also produces market studies and various case studies for e-business print, mass customisation and multichannel publishing. Leading companies in the online print industry rely on the know-how of this company. https://zipcon.de/en/
The Online Print Symposium is an annual event for the online print industry. Since 2013, the organisers zipcon consulting GmbH and the Bundesverband Druck und Medien have offered the symposium in Munich. With around 300 international visitors, a partner exhibition, evening events and two days of top-class presentations, the Online Print Symposium (OPS) has become the most important event in the industry. On 14 and 15 March 2024, OPS will take place for the 11th time in Munich under the motto "Join the AI-Powered Print Revolution".
Online Print Symposium c/o zipcon consulting GmbH
Am Buchenhain 4
45239 Essen
Telefon: +49 (201) 81175-0
Telefon: 089 – 330 36 210
E-Mail: j.meyer@vdm-beratung.de